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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. This one will be on it too. Just need to trim the very end. Edit - no I don't need to trim this one - the version I have has some not child friendly lyrics at the very end - this one is perfect! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zbuv6pcseA&feature=related
  2. I suspect that in Central America they aren't discarding ANYTHING. All I know is it was often like drinking lighter fluid and resulted in the type of hangover you would expect from drinking lighter fluid.
  3. I like it - need to listen to some of their stuff.
  4. What you have is barrel aged cane liquor. Cane liquor is the drink of the masses in central america. It ranges from gasoline to somewhat drinkable in quality. Barrel aged is obviously a step up. I spent some time in Costa Rica as a young man and drank some cane liquor. It is not good for you. The most interesting way I consumed it was as a shooter with a sea turtle egg dumped in it.
  5. almost 12 and 9, but raised on the classics - we went decade by decade with them from beach boys, beatles, stones, zeppelin, etc etc. up through the late 90's. Now we are letting them find their own way a little. Yeah, resigned to spending hours and hours on youtube. The pandora suggestion is a great one!
  6. Interesting! Made me think of gypsies and gay pirates. Don't know that kids would appreciate it. Was thinking something like this, which will be the opening song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YB6H5q_gyU
  7. Alcohol is good for your heart. A couple fingers a night is just preventative medicine. If you love your family, you really can't afford NOT to do it.
  8. Hard Rock/blues/bad ass axe/hot chick music. I feel better already. I need some new songs to get into my head, and into the head of my sons and their hockey teams. We have started on the annual search for a locker room/game mix. Sadly, I find I am not as up to date on current music as I would like to be. Living in the sticks/getting old will do that to. I would love for all you young whipper snappers on the board (and the old ones too) to toss me some suggestions. More rock than rap, and relatively clean is preferred. Fire away!
  9. you made it past the one minute mark?
  10. Bump Bought a bottle of The Irishman single malt. Pretty tasty stuff. Good pot still character. A very good example of Irish whiskey making. Light years better than the entry level whiskeys from the major distillers. Very comparable to Redbreast, and at the same price point. will have to try them side by side for a detailed comparo.
  11. :o Do you put this on before or after smoking meth?
  12. Worth the $35 dollars you saved me - if at its core it still tastes like Jameson, then I am unlikely to enjoy it. Thanks for the tasting notes! :thumbsup:
  13. Dickel is hunting cabin quality bourbon. Edit: that is not an insult, by the way. Just means it is smooth, enjoyable, with broad appeal, and capable of being consumed in large quantities for days on end.
  14. I have seen it, but haven't tried it yet. The label throws me off - looks like some new age concoction, not a traditional Irish WhiskEY First my apologies, for screwing up the whiskey/whisky. Not paying attention to what the hell I am doing here. Jameson is my least favorite of the big names. It's entry level is basically undrinkable for me. Tullamore Dew is only slightly better. Bushmills is better yet, but the upgraded Black Bush is too sweet for me. As I said previously, Powers is th best of the entry level Irish whiskeys I have tried to date - perfect for filling that flask for cold weather events. I have to say that I am so turned off by Jameson that I haven't bothered to try their higher end offerings. I have had the 12 year old special reserve Tullamore Dew, and while it is a substantial improvement over the entry level dew, it is not as pleasing to me as red breast despite being in a bout the same price range - $35-40 for a fifth. I would like to try Tullamore's single malt, but haven't seen it in stores yet. My tastes run all over the place - I like just about everything. Irish whiskey is a go to favorite, but I love to drink scotch under the right circumstances - for scotch, there are so many options that it gets confusing, and I have trouble remembering what I have tried and liked. I love the heavy peaty, smoky ones, especially at cask strength. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I think I am going to drink my lunch today.
  15. You need to involve yourself in more social situations. No Irish whisky connoisseurs on this board? WTF? I am looking for new GOOD brands to try.
  16. That is correct.
  17. If you are going to drink tonic - drink Q-tonic - made with agave - not sweet like schweppes and all that crap - really good stuff - once you have had it you will never want to drink any other kind of tonic. Q tonic
  18. Swamped at work - not enough time for a full response. I smoke about 20-25 cigars a year. cubans are good - that they are the forbidden fruit makes people think they are better than they truly are. Fuente's, as a brand, are very good. Try Acid cigars - a real taste sensation. My preferred everyday smoke is Hoyo de Monterray Excaliburs - full body with a Connecticut shade wrapper. Very consistent from year to year and decade to decade. I love a big fat cigar - 50+ and five - six inches is preferred. If I am going with one of the really high end long aged smokes I will often reach for a pyramid. When it comes to Cubans, give me a Romeo & Juliet Pyramid or a box pressed cohiba double corona.
  19. swamped at work, no time for a post of consequence on a topic I hold dear. Love brown liquors, not clear. Can drink vodka, but Gin makes my eye turn in. drinking a lot of irish whisky lately. not too many real high end one available. Powers is the best of the <$25.00 bottle crowd. Red breast is as good as any that cost more than that. Black bush is interesting, but too sweet - is it sherry barrels that does it? can't remember.
  20. No hockey...
  21. Its not October yet...
  22. My condolences, Corp. It's never easy, even when it's time. Prayers for father and son. Can't imagine what your family has been through. My greatest blessing has been two happy healthy boys. Your nightmare is every parent's greatest fear.
  23. How young? I wouldn't screw around. Get her to see a pediatric cardiologist ASAP. Don't wait. Dr. Finnerty in Elmira is an excellent pediatric cardiologist. 965 West Church Street Elmira, NY 14905-2049 ph.(607) 737-0200
  24. You don't need a car wash, you need a pellet gun.
  25. Is a stereotype still a stereotype if it is universally true?
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