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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. Somehow I think another venue wod have been identified.
  2. It's a dog eat dog world if you're wearing milkbone underwear you shouldn't bring attention to that fact. That's what NASA gets for naming a shuttle after a mopar product.
  3. That was a beauty, wasn't it? It got a little cannibalistic for a while. The drums have gone quiet today, though. :unsure:
  4. Sorry to hear that - did they do an ultrasound to make sure it truly wasn't there versus un-descended? It may be worth a follow up if you are not sure, because if it is undescended, as he continues to grow, it could cut off blood supply and die. On the upside, yes, one is all it takes to get the job done and he should not suffer from decreased testosterone. Additionally, once word gets out to the ladies in high school, being a uniballer should be good for half a dozen rear seat groping sessions based on curiosity alone! And he has the whole bike thing going for him, too!
  5. Don't know. You'll have to ask Lance or Phil Kessel. It seems that being a uniballar provides a competitive advantage in cycling - it allows a rider to take advantage of those new fangled split seat designs. In hockey, on the other hand, it seems that being a uniballer results in a disadvantage, as evidenced by Kessel being picked last at the all star game. Or maybe his teammates were just freaked out about showering with him.
  6. Maybe its a phantom itch from previously giving a left nut. It happens to amputees sometimes.
  7. I love the thought of whisky/ey at 9:30 in the morning!
  8. Used to get bottles of it in a pub called Limerick's in Armory Square in Syracuse back in the day. A bar called the snooty pig in Corning had it on tap until a few years ago. Good swilling beer, especially on tap in 20 oz. glasses.
  9. It's great that they are advertising up your way, but they may want to concentrate their efforts in their own backyard. Two people in their vicinity have never heard of it, and they have no street presence at all. And their website is absolute garbage. This is why beer guys should hire marketing guys to do their marketing. If they really have 500 beers in their store I will forgive them, though. I'm not in Ithaca - that place is strange.
  10. Never seen an advertisement for them - I drive right by that address probably 50-75 times a year - its right on the route I take to avoid the worst of Ithaca traffic, and I have never even seen it. I will have to stop in the next time I am going through - I will report back on the selection and the beer! :thumbsup:
  11. Yeah, that has been my experience with beers of the world, so I don't stop there very often. There is no place in Ithaca that I am aware of - there are a couple local places with pretty good selections, and wegman's has really stepped up its game lately. Hell, even Sam's Club sells a pretty good selection of beers these days.
  12. No - don't get to Tonawanda very often, even when I am in Buffalo - may have to make the trip.
  13. Is anyone able to get there hands on John Courage? Haven't seen it in a few years, since the one nearby bar that carried it stopped doing so.
  14. I'm sorry, not Geneva, Canandaigua. 759 South Main St Canadaigua, NY 14424 Phone: 585-394-8080 Fax: 585-394-1406
  15. The one in Geneva has been there for a decade.
  16. There is a McGregors in Geneva as well - very close to the lake.
  17. I could talk for hours about all the beers I love. I really love beer. Beers are like women - cold, sensuous, fulfilling. The good ones make you want to come back for more and more. The bad ones give you a headache and intestinal uncertainty. Too many beers at once will get you in trouble, but mixing a black and tan is a special treat. There are x rated comparisons as well, but I will leave it at that. Let me start with the things I don't like. American swill. You know who you are. Genny is included in this, but one of them once in a while, especially while eating wings, is acceptable. Wheat beers. Sweet beers. fruit beers. Scotch ale, porter and any stout other than guiness - hefenwisen (sp?). Really dark beers, that are mollasses-like, nutty, christmas whatever, or winter whatever. What I do like: Pale ales, IPA's lagers - from any county or any region. I like hops. I like a lot of hops. I like strong hops, I like weak hops. I have a strong affinity for Canadian beers, but I much prefer actual Canadian beer, not the stuff they export to us. Molson ex in Canada is good - not so good here. I love Carlsberg in Canada - I don't even think the Carlsberg you get in America is from Canada. I like strange Canadian beers like Kokanee and Upper Canada and some of the west coast stuff we rarely see here. I like an ice beer when I can find one, although I am always afraid it may actually be a 12 pack from 1993. I generally frown on green bottles, like heineken and moosehead. I love craft beers. Too many to mention all of them, but I will give you a couple I don't like. Dogfishhead - hated every beer of theirs I have had. Ithaca brewing. Their stuff is crap. Brewers who are too full of themselves and feel the need to be creative rather than make a really good honest beer. I like mexican beer in the summer, especially while in the boat. Corona, dos equis amber. A favorite is pacifico. Try them with a lemon sometime instead of a lime. All the limes around here taste like crap. I will give you a few craft brewers I respect - Victory, sierra nevada, red hook, Stone Brewery, Acme, Kona, Southern Tier is slowly gaining my respect (their 2XIPA has so much hops you need a knife and fork). Empire Brew Pub in Syracuse. Many, many more that won't come out at the moment. European beers - I generally don't like english beers - their beers are as bad as their food. Irish beers are generally good. I like stella, pilsner urquel and some polish beer I had - Tiski?. I don't like most german beers I have beet exposed to, but most german beers I have tried are in green bottles, so I am inherently distrustfull. I do like lowenbrau and spaten. Hate becks. Don't like Italian beers - are there any besides Peroni? I do like some of the Australian beers. Steinlager is good. Australian beers take me back to my rugby playing days. Sam Adams pisses me off. I don't like there lager, love their nobel pils and light, but pretty much hate everything else they make. They are a perfect example of a company that tries to get too cute. I liked their summer ale the first year it came out, but they must have changes the recipe. I haven't liked it since then. Magic hat is another example of a company that is too cute. Their nearly pale ale is highly drinkable and mid fives ABV. The rest of the stuff they make is barely tolerable. My two default beers are Blue Light and Sam Adam's light, but I can usually find something else to drink. I get easily bored drinking the same beer all the time. I love to go to a good beer store and pick out 8 or 10 six packs. Sorry for all the spelling errors - working on a major project, no time to organize/spellcheck/grammar check. You get stream of consciousness tonight, and I am barely conscious.
  18. MJ was more into purple jesus than brews.
  19. For the purpose you are suggesting, try Kokanee.
  20. That's not tonsilitis - its syphilis of the throat.
  21. Costa Rica is a wonderful country - their women love americans - they also have a great affection for blue eyes, some colonial hold over, I guess. As for a young, blue eyed american man like myself 20 years ago? Well, lets just say that things never went so badly that I was forced to be indiscriminate at the end of the night. The rest of your story is pretty much on the mark. If you are ever looking for an ego boost, spend a couple hours in a Costa Rican brothel. Don't buy the goods, just have a few drinks and hang out.
  22. I don't know anything about fusels, but I can assure you that drinking large quantities of rot gut cane liquor in central america is a very bad idea for us soft bellied gringos.
  23. korab rules


    So which one is your stalker account? I'll show you mine if you show me yours!
  24. korab rules


    Be careful what you share - you wouldn't want your twats showing up in public.
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