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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. They claim "hoppy freshness". I think your description is more accurate than theirs. Not a bad beer by any stretch, but as I said, not my style. I'm not exactly pouring it down the drain, though.
  2. Yeah, you are right. Doesn't taste like an amber ale at all. Reminds me of a british beer - brown, toasted malt Not a bad one, but the style isn't my style. It's a well done, quality beer, just not for me. A couple good swallows cleared the IPA hops off my palate, but I still don't taste the hops they boast about on the label.
  3. Not sure of the story behind it. I was on the phone and one of my partners dropped it on my desk on his way out. He's a bike racer, so the bike connection may have played a role. Finishing a couple fFll sail IPA's before cracking it open. As for the full sail - a nice ipa. Medium body, medium hop. 6.0 abv. Nothing to rave about, but nothing to complain about. It's a prototype for the style. Very clean finish
  4. Amazingly enough, someone dropped a case of this stuff off to my office today. I ended up with a double deuce of it on my desk before I left. It is now sufficiently chilled, and I will be cracking it open soon.
  5. My equipment is still wet. (I played hockey today). The hockey equipment wars are heating up. I just got an email advertising a new Bauer stick, and there's a picture of OV holding it. OV has been purely a CCM guy up till now - sticks and skates. What's next?!?
  6. I saw Evans alligator arm way too many passes that might involve contact to care that he is gone.
  7. The disappearance of the negative rep button. It served a purpose, and I find myself in need of it today. And there doesn't appear to be any place on the web to buy a Pavol Demitra Yaroslavl Lokomotivs jersey. And the use of "winning" and "fail". I haven't heard it come out of the mouth of anyone over 16, thank goodness. It makes the user, whether oral or in writing, sound like a pimply faced compulsively ma$turbating fool.
  8. I had to take an alternate route to work because the stream at the bottom of my hill was up over the road. Chemung County isn't too bad, but Tioga County, NY and Broome County are unbelievable. The number of homes and businesses flooded out is scary, and its the waters are still rising.
  9. you wouldn't believe some of the flooding down this way - Look for some news reports out of Binghamton - the weather channel has been there since yesterday.
  10. You have apparently never seen the movie "Alive", the story of a Uruguayan rugby team. RIP
  11. That dirty selfish bastard Kaleta. He still has everyone fooled - that rink project "for the kids" is just going to line the pockets of his dirty uncle. And he never told anyone that the rink is what he was going to do with the money. :unsure:
  12. Then why do you reference the flexibility to sign linemen as justification for being 20 or 30 million under the cap? Do you really think left and right tackles in their prime are about to be cut from rosters? You continually shuck and jive logic to come up with ways to justify the indefensible actions of Ralph and his bean counting minions. This franchise has you so far out on a limb that even YOU can't come up with logical arguments any more. You should apply for the next white house press secretary opening. You are eminently qualified.
  13. They will, and in the mean time Ralph will cut corners wherever he can so he can pay for it. It scares me to think what they will spend the money on - 8 figure bonuses to Kelsay and McGee and other under performers who are "good soldiers" - all under Ralph's cash to the cap theory that allows him to spend a little money now and get credit for it for years? The Bills are the only franchise in the league that rigs the books so it looks like they are paying MORE money than they really are instead of less. Oh, and what's so whacky about that eye theory?
  14. 142 and counting - surprised it hasn't happened yet. Although with all the big, correctly spelled words and that get used over here, most won't know what we are talking about.
  15. Promo just can't help himself. How many boards do you fight the good fight on? Do you ever get tired of defending these clowns? If only they cared as much as you do.
  16. You may have spoken too soon. Check out THIS beauty! http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/133859-gone-for-good/page__gopid__2230216?do=findComment&comment=2230216
  17. No, Ed Wang. I'm just worried someone will decide to make Jasper an O-lineman and I will lose my job.
  18. I don't know which is worse - that he continues to defend his stupid idea despite the lampooning he is receiving, or that about 10% of the responders think it's a good idea. I am thankful every day that most of the people who post over there aren't hockey fans. Hey! I've got an idea! I'm just thinking out loud here, but what if we taught Jasper to skate and taught him to play goalie. He's so big that no one would ever score! Actually, that is a better idea than him playing inside linebacker.
  19. It's for the kids, not me. We've been known to sneak in a cold adult beverage every once in a while - tonight might be one of those nights!
  20. Ok, I'll play along. Drop in hockey tonight! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_fBD77Z8ps
  21. #### you, you hoser!
  22. Can you provide any kind of time frame for your prognostications to come true? You are quite the little nostradamus!
  23. You realize that any anticipated reaction relying on that chemical won't occur, right? I hope its not a new method of birth control...
  24. I would bet that the real number is far larger than that. The problem with a new stadium is new stadium debt. Rich Stadium is a great venue that can continue to serve as an NFL facility for another 30 years with no more than the costs of maintenance. Is at as luxe as the monstrosity is Dallas? No. Could we sell 80,000 seats at a couple hundred per? Probably not. Besides, a stadium that nice would turn us all into wine sipping pussies. There is something to be said for going to a bills game in the freezing cold and sucking down beers before they freeze in your hand. It lets you know you are alive! Nothing beats a playoff game in a driving snow storm with negative wind chills!
  25. They do make them interesting message board posters, though. :thumbsup:
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