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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. You should take some of shrader's drugs.
  2. Save them. Drink a six pack. Take a couple. Drink another six pack. Wring the drool out of your pillow 15 hours later. Best sleep of your life.
  3. You should thank me - I caught that Corey McIntyre guy in my spot a couple times - I chased him off on his bike. That guy is a real creep! Guess I should get you a gift certificate for a window cleaning. :blush: See you tomorrow night!
  4. Attack, expose... What's the difference? I am a fan of both. I am also a fan of margarita night - especially when I am not invited - but show up anyway - outside the window - wearing a trenchcoat - and nothing else.
  5. I wish I had thought of that...
  6. The general principle he is referring to has been around the game as long as I can remember. BUT - it isn't a verbatim, easily remembered, short cliche like "haste makes waste" or "a dime a dozen". I think the general principle - that if your DBs are making most of the tackles instead of your linebackers it is not a good thing - is generally true. BUT - with the diversity of today's offensive an defensive schemes, this is a less reliable indicator than 20 years ago when wide receivers ran long and DB's ran with them, and linebackers played close to the line of scrimmage.
  7. Are you "Edward's Arm" over there?
  8. They always have each other!
  9. Wait till they have sex. Man will that bed squeak!
  10. It's a raddison, but it's an old, old hotel from the railroad boom days. Scranton makes Elmira, auburn, and hornell look like thriving metropolises. Metropoli? I hate this town.
  11. The Lackawanna hotel? That's the one. The Irish bar across the street? Been there.
  12. Stupid thread is open past midnight as I am stuck in a hotel in the armpit of the world, freaking Scranton, Pa. I cant think of the term for the theory that the mayor of pominville is referring to. :censored:
  13. That sucks. Sincere condolences to you and your family.
  14. There is nothing wrong with the bolded feeling. The issue I have is when people claim conspiracy theories against the Bills by the league, and that the refs are out to get us. Some days the breaks go your way, and some days they don't. The refs occasional screw ups are part of the breaks - there are 8 or 10 refs and umpteen video cameras all doing their best to get every call right. Occasionally, they still manage to screw up. Be pissed, but apply a little perspective to the situation - it's good for your blood pressure. Whether the call against SJ was a screw up or not is subject to debate:
  15. Yup. Some days you're the pitcher, some days you're the catcher. That's life in the NFL. The tuck rule comes into play pretty often - it's a crappy rule, but a pretty longstanding rule nonetheless.
  16. To everyone all worked up about the call on the SJ (non) catch: The issue with the review is we can't see what happens to the ball when it goes under SJ and he rolls over - no view shows it, and if the ball is moving, no catch is the correct call. It just so happens that the official who made that call was on the opposite side of the camera view, where he COULD see if the ball was moving. It was a forgone conclusion that they wouldn't over rule the call because no camera showed the critical part of the catch - whether he maintained control all the way through the catch and roll. The talk of a hand under the ball is irrelevant, the ball can touch the ground as long as he maintains control - i.e. the ball doesn't move throughout the process of making the catch, including the contact with the ground and the rollover. No one knows what that ref saw on the reverse side, but based on the video we saw, the reviewing referee probably made the right call. There is no conclusive evidence that shows he maintained control throughout the catch, which is the required standard to overrule the call on the field. Do I think he made the catch and maintained control? Yes. Do I know what the ref on the reverse side of the play saw? no. Blame it on the fact that we are not a premier team yet, and neither are the Bengals. If we were, there would be more cameras in use and we probably have a camera covering the back side of that play.
  17. Getting close to its own thread. Yeah - I am aware Marlin got bought by Remington - QC was definitely an issue, but recent reports seem to indicate things are on the way back up. I haven't checked the year of my 45/70 to see whether it was before or after the merge, but the gun has been flawless, and the fit and finish is top notch. I LOVE the 18" barrel - especially on drives - that thing shoulders so nice, and is a breeze to carry through the woods. I have a Browning A-bolt in 30-06 with Leupold glass for the rare occasion we sit on a field where we really need to reach out and touch someone. I have an eye out for an old Marlin 336 in 30-30. I love the old guns - and it would be a good trainer for the kids when they join us in the woods over the next couple years.
  18. I bought a Marlin 1895 GS in .45/70 a couple years ago - what a sweet little brush gun! Quick to the shoulder, really accurate with the Hornady Leverevolution ammo, and has plenty of knockdown power for anything that walks or crawls in North America. With the Leupold VX-I 2-7x shotgun/muzzleloader scope in silver to match the stainless barrel(went with the shotgun line because the .45/70 kicks like a mule) it is accurate out to 150 yards. Haven't tried to figure the drop beyond that, as I will never have a 150 yard shot where I hunt. Point of impact is within an inch and a half of point of aim from 25-100 yards, and it prints groups of 2" at 100 yards with the Hornady ammo(too bad the stuff is so damn expensive!). Looks damn sharp in walnut and stainless, too. That gun was the first lever gun for me, but really turned me on to them. Can't wait to get in the woods with it and put some rounds through this thing!
  19. That's what the Browning is for.
  20. Marlin 39A A lever action .22, and the oldest long gun still in production. A plinker, trainer for the kids, and squirrel and rabbit hunter. Can't wait to rub some blood on it this weekend!
  21. New gun coming in today!
  22. sounds like you should invite eleven's friend out on the course for a threesome.
  23. What a great idea! I bet the owner of your company is behind that!
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