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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. The boys administered an all out asskicking last weekend. Off to the State Championship Tournament next weekend. F'n Fantastic!
  2. Those are good. Couldn't find it last time I was in tops. Where did you get it?
  3. Try roofies - you may not sleep but at least you won't remember it. Couldn't find a picture of him in a Sabres uni, could you?
  4. WTF is in your avatar???
  5. Well done. Start drinking at lunch.
  6. I thought you were talking about "any which way but loose"
  7. Myers, not meyers, unless you are talking about foot long weiners. Oh, wait....
  8. I have a funny feeling we won't see him in a midriff shirt and pornstache.
  9. That's what I meant, but couldn't think of HD DVD. Have you ever seen a laser disc? Those things are the size of manhole covers and you need like 4 of them to hold a 2 hr movie.
  10. No - betamax and laserdisc were the failed alternative technology.
  11. Does it match your Betamax and LaserDisc player?
  12. I agree with this 100% That's not what I am saying at all. You are not permitted to target the head, or make the head the principle point of contact. Doing so make the hit subject to an in game penalty and potential supplemental discipline. If the illegal hit causes injury, then the likelihood and amount of supplemental discipline will be greater. The only reason I reference the injury is with regard to my prognostication of supplemental discipline. Watch it again, especially the reverse angle. Pountang leaned in to poke at the puck, but was actually pulling back at the time of impact or they would still be pulling his teeth out of the zamboni augers. That was a bad, bad hit - and I'm an opponent of taking physical play out of the game.
  13. Exactly. He has every right to blow up Letang. He intends to administer a hit the whole way. He controls how and where on Letang that hit will be administered, in doing so he hits him in the head causing injury. Not sure what Nystrom's history is, but I think he's sitting for a few, 5+ if he's a repeat offender
  14. So what exactly was he trying to do, then? He sure as hell wasn't playing the puck.
  15. Nystrom is definitely getting a call from Shanny on that one - it is a predatory hit - he could have destroyed Letang without going high, but he targeted the head. He didn't catch all of it, but he sure as hell targeted it - and he had a good long look and time to decide how and where he wanted to administer the hit.
  16. Is your clicky finger getting all twitchy?
  17. They can take their pick. Time to start cashing in some of those chips in Rochester before they reach their expiration date. This is a deal I would jump all over, so it fails the legitimate trade idea test on that ground, but if Staff starts to round into form these next 20 games, and we have seen flashes of it recently, this deal would be at least plausible.
  18. For Brown? I would think we would need to add a defensive prospect, not McNabb or Pysik, to get that done.
  19. The Sabres flew to Cali on Monday. If the players were in Cali, they couldn't have been in the barbershop yesterday. Not saying your dad isn't reporting what he heard, but hearsay is inadmissible for a reason.
  20. I read it a little deeper - if impotence (ie having a sh!tty hockey team that doesn't win) is the disease and fooking your wife(ie having a winning team you like) is the goal, you can accomplish that goal by taking viagra, but it doesn't cure the problem, (ie heart disease) that is keeping you from fooking your wife. Under this analogy, Kassian is Viagra - he makes you feel better about your team because he's rough and tough and gives you a b0ner, but he doesn't cure the impotence that keeps you from fooking your wife. Hodgson, on the other hand, is the heart medicine that has the secondary effect of curing your impotence and allowing you to fook your wife like a porn star. I understand this requires some medical knowledge and is apparently not how you intended it, but it was my take.
  21. Looking for punctuation. Holy run on sentence, Batman!
  22. That is a pretty broad generalization. :angel:
  23. I don't believe this is accurate with respect to Roy - he was always a center prior to coming into the NHL. Centers play a huge role in the defensive end in the critical areas in front of the net, and it is that aspect of their game young centers often struggle with, hence teams sometimes put them on the wing early on, which bears lesser defensive responsibilities, until they are acclimated to the pro game and ready to assume the full responsibilities of the center position.
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