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Everything posted by henysgol

  1. 7&7's, but made with Crown!
  2. TPB has always been, and always shall be!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P09gm_I5RI
  4. Great song! Have you noticed that it goes to the same tune as "Randy's gut, is full of dirty ol' cheesburgers..." Doesn't matter though, TPB for life.
  5. It's huge, Buffalo. HUUUUGE-AH!

  6. That is a righteous statement combing Obama with "They Live". Just 100% on time.

  7. I still am only working part time as a valet. My wife has been paying most of the bills. Yea, THAT really makes me feel like a man. It sucks because I have degenerate disc disease, and I can't just take any job that comes along. I can't lift anything, can't stand for prolonged periods of time, I can barely get in and out of the cars I'm parking! I'm in constant pain! We're always broke, and disability insurance won't pay crap, so why bother applying for it right now? I'm just lucky Clarissa is so patient and understanding. I do what I can. I clean the house and clean up after our 9 pets while she's at work, and cook delicious dinners for her. It just hurts my pride that I can't work full time. My whole life, I worked my ass off, took care of business, paid the bills, stayed on top. And now because of my stupid annoying injury, I'm MR.MOM! It's just taking me awhile to adjust to the reality of it all.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QylncpJy5Rc
  9. Oh well, it's not a PM. Thugs welcome!

  10. Yes, I want some Weber's mustard!

    Joseph Williams

    634 James Ave.

    Nashville, TN 37209

  11. Mine used to and they stopped. I'm suspicious they're behind the Coinstar racket.
  12. Frankly, people are going to be dead from war, poisoning, disasters or whatever else comes our way. As for the missing people, I mean like stranded on newly formed bodies of land or islands after catastrophes, cut off from the rest of the world. A couple years ago David Rockefeller made a speech about population control. That's not the only thing that fuels my theory. The Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, GA of all places, have a complete rundown (in like 12 different languages) of the world's ruling classes plans to depopulate the earth, and put in place a one world government and universal "living language" Also, endless war, pollution, "natural" disasters are escallating. I like this guy's little video about them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D-NWDuZZ-k I really don't want to keep going on about this, but I can. People will think I'm crazy
  13. We're all doomed anyway. In the next few years over half the world's population is going to be dead or missing. Ship's going down, let's enjoy the ride! Don't let the beast steal your soul.
  14. Politicians are scum that rose to the top by clinging to the other scum. I'd rather watch wrestling, at least it's understood from the beginning that it's fake! The government is the real life WWE, if you can even call it real life.
  15. Complaints for this Thursday--my Jessica is still dead, I'm in constant pain because I broke my back 9 years ago in my lumbar region, I'm out of pills and can't get another prescription until April 19th, I'm 35 years old and my stomach is covered with ulcers, I'm epileptic and have rheumatoid arthritis and sciatica, bone spurs in my elbows, cant afford any new tattoos yet, the brakes on my van are still not fixed, but hey, let's get wasted and have a good time! Celebrate and be thankful! Splendor and bounty cornucopia blblblbluh....
  16. is drinking, working, and banging drums not necessarily in that order

  17. Dirty Reggae!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqEJK0ZspkQ
  18. I'm jobless, my brakes went out yesterday and I had to leave my van downtown(I'm SO lucky I made it to a safe spot where it won't get towed), it's been raining in Nashville for 3 days so I can't even GO down to my van and bleed the brakes and see if that fixes the problem, I had to go to Metro Action Commission to get money so I don't get kicked out of my apartment, now I have to go to Welfare(yuck!) and get food stamps so I don't starve, my wife is still dead, my yellow kitty Simon won't come into the house so I can feed him properly(he'd rather hang out with the alley cats, I think he's still mad at me that I got him neutered), I have hepatits C and I'm always tired, turning yellow and going to die before I'm 40 because I have never gotten treatment for it because I'm poor(thanks for throwing me out into the streets of Buffalo when I was 15, Mom, you b!t*#), I just CAN'T quit smoking, and I miss Jessica terribly and the best days of my life are already over. But I am SO thankful for those 10 years with her, given my short time on this planet in this body.
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