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  • Location
    West Side, Nashville, TN
  • Interests
    drinking, playing drums, piss soaked punk shows

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  1. Dude! Haven't seen you on here in awhile. I hope you're doing ok. Hopefully we'll all see you back on here soon.

  2. 7&7's, but made with Crown!
  3. TPB has always been, and always shall be!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P09gm_I5RI
  5. Great song! Have you noticed that it goes to the same tune as "Randy's gut, is full of dirty ol' cheesburgers..." Doesn't matter though, TPB for life.
  6. It's huge, Buffalo. HUUUUGE-AH!

  7. So did you like my avatar or hate it?

  8. That is a righteous statement combing Obama with "They Live". Just 100% on time.

  9. I still am only working part time as a valet. My wife has been paying most of the bills. Yea, THAT really makes me feel like a man. It sucks because I have degenerate disc disease, and I can't just take any job that comes along. I can't lift anything, can't stand for prolonged periods of time, I can barely get in and out of the cars I'm parking! I'm in constant pain! We're always broke, and disability insurance won't pay crap, so why bother applying for it right now? I'm just lucky Clarissa is so patient and understanding. I do what I can. I clean the house and clean up after our 9 pets while she's at work, and cook delicious dinners for her. It just hurts my pride that I can't work full time. My whole life, I worked my ass off, took care of business, paid the bills, stayed on top. And now because of my stupid annoying injury, I'm MR.MOM! It's just taking me awhile to adjust to the reality of it all.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QylncpJy5Rc
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