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Everything posted by blugold43

  1. blugold43

    Tyler Myers

    he better be hurt because he looks like a big pansy.
  2. so stupid. god does hockey not need this.
  3. Hate is your mistress and you shall not want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcxN86BHlJ8
  4. yes! I know this makes me master of the obvious, but if we get center play like that every night, all of a sudden all the wingers we've been bitching about could have career years. and Grig. looks like he could be for real.
  5. i think Hamilton did a great job and if he replaced RJ right now I'd be happy.
  6. actually the the blame from the polarity is pretty much just on one side of the aisle(http://voteview.com/blog/?p=726). The Democratic point on the liberal conservative continuum hasn't changed much in the last 20 years...but on the republican side, every month takes them to a further extreme. Of course they're not going to be able to govern in this climate...not as long as you need 60 senate votes to prevent a filibuster. When Scott Brown won in Mass a few year's ago, the Republicans won back their 41-59 "majority!" Until republicans take back their party from the birthers, fundmentalists, likudniks, obstructionists, climate change denialists, "legitimate rape" judges and paranoid gun nuts, nothing is ever going to change. The days of Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill putting their differences aside to do what's right from the country are over until the the zealots are no longer in charge of the Republican party. The problem is that Republicans are in such a weak position demographically that the only way they can get win their primaries is to close ranks and become more extreme than the next guy. Hence, for example, Romney's absurd lurch to the right in 2012, and John McCain's in 2008. So it could still get worse before it gets better.
  7. i know I'll get killed for this, but after one period I am ready for Paul Hamilton to replace RJ permanently
  8. looking forward to lots of 2-1 games and a heroic run to 8th place, punctuated by lots of non-moves by darcy. also looking forward to lindy's system bringing out the best in our offensive talent.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcXNPI-IPPM&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Ddie%2520antwoord%2520baby%2527s%2520on%2520fire%26source%3Dweb%26cd%3D1%26ved%3D0CCIQFjAA%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DHcXNPI-IPPM%26ei%3DIEI9ULjnK-W26wH-sIH4Dg%26usg%3DAFQjCNHN-lpsY3mRo7p6z4ooiWq6rmmyzgthis is the best thing of theirs i've seen
  10. i still can't get over what you guys did to your own city after losing the cup. was it fun?
  11. my 4 year old found this on youtube and has us both hooked on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvjENqsEy78&NR=1&feature=endscreen
  12. yeah jack edwards is the douchebag on that network. he was decent on espn a few years ago (imo), but as a"homer" he's awful.
  13. man...they're pounding them in so fast we're not keeping up! (briere makes it 6-1)
  14. i just flipped it on and it works for me tonight....i have also been having some problems lately, however.
  15. i wouldn't run the same time the next day, but if i was racing a lesser athlete, i'd make sure i beat him. besides, it's an entirely different sport. no one races 80-100 times a year.
  16. i have suffered like no one on this board i bet. i ran college xc...and in 2002-04, (age 37-39) ran 1:16 in the half marathon 3 times, and ran marathons in 2:43, 2:46 and 2:48...not world class, but i trained hard to do it....averaged 105 miles a week for nine straight months from 2003-04. i know about fatigue. when you know you're getting a 5 day break, if you want it bad enough, you can perform.
  17. if these guys suck it up and play hard focused hockey for 60 minutes, they'll win by 3 goals.
  18. god...from the sounds of it, we're lucky to only be down 1 goal.
  19. he should never have faced the shot!
  20. wow...lindy ripping the forwards publically for their showing in pd. 1...
  21. now we're shorthanded :(
  22. nothing wrong with having hope...not like it hasn't happened already
  23. suddenly i am THRILLED that my trip east to catch the sabres will be vs. the caps...hopefully the building will be more than a little rowdy as a result of this cluster#%^$#! tonight.
  24. rick and jim called it an assassination attempt...which is it??
  25. since moving to wisconsin, i know longer have the {ahem} pleasure of catching the capitals broadcast, but i remember joe benignati (sic) and his mulleted sidekick as being among the most irritating tandems i've ever endured. i assume that' who you're watching?
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