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Everything posted by blugold43

  1. haha..that should be somebodies sig. line.
  2. every time someone treats me to one of hIs inane tweets, it is all i can do to hold myself back from replying "YOU CAN COUNT THE GOOD MOVES DARCY MADE ON ONE HAND, BUT THE BEST ONE WAS GETTING STU BARNES FOR YOU- YOU DRUNK DRIVING EX-WIFE BULLYING DOUCHEBAG." is that too many characters?
  3. anyone else expect this? we started being talked about like we were the favorites or something after the Russia game- when really we got outplayed through most of it and were lucky to win. I am not surprised we lost t Canada while generating no offense because tat's the kind of team we looked like against the only other really good team we played. sorry that was a bit rambling but I am supposed to be working!
  4. apologies, i have not read this whole thread to see if it was discussed....but does anyone else wonder if the whole team calls him "quickie," or just ryan miller? :lol: do you think the Slovaks call Michal Handus "handy?" actually,they probably do. lol hockey.
  5. i came here to read about hockey and instead i get an 8th grade girls cafeteria table.
  6. oh...where to begin. on 3/25/12, my son was labelled with "moderate" autism at 4yrs, 4 months. we were devastated of course...he had been on a downward spiral developmentally for 3+ yrs but every concern expressed to our pediatrician was answered with, "he's fine...really, he's fine." he was definitely normal until age 1, but at that point his language and social growth slowed. and by 3 1/2, he was barely functioning in preschool. he also had terrible dietary issues, including constipation, and stopped gaining weight. all he wanted was milk, which in itself is a huge red flag for the ASD spectrum, but i had no idea. long story short, we found a D.A.N. dr., who helped us sort out the nutritional problems and the results have been miraculous. if you want to p.m. me I will send you my cell number and i will tell you everything we did and why, and what the results have been. we really have seen terrific results. thank god you've gotten a diagnosis as early as you have- i am so angry at myself that we didn't choose another path when our pediatrician was not responsive to our concerns. my son's atec score has gone from 40s to 20s in less than 2 years. but then, where might he be now if we had trusted our instincts and gone elsewhere for help? we'll never know, but i think about it all the time and i still feel terribly guilty about it. the one piece of advice i will give you and everyone reading is to place MAXIMUM emphasis on addressing nutritional concerns. that, more than any therapy he's received, has allowed my son to start the physical/cognitive/social "catch up" process. if tou have a child on the spectrum, seriosuly consider getting every speck of gluten, dairy and soy out of their diet asap. there are valid medical reasons for this and i can't tell you how much it has helped my son.
  7. WAKE UP PEGULA! The Sabres are a civic treasure and you've made them a laughingstock! 3-15-1 with 2 fake wins! What do you have in mind for 14-15...ZERO points?!
  8. I can't believe this many people think Darcy is trying to sabotage the season. Ralston is here because Darcy knew he'd feel beholden to him...and Darcy also knew he'd never get anyone with a backbone (Roy) to come coach for him. Darcy really thinks he can build a winner without going to the bottom of the pile. And as was mentioned, you can't just assume you'll get the toppick because of that stupid childish "lottery". I wish there was some evidence to support the idea that he can build a winner through the draft. If anyone thinks a bunch of Darcy draft picks can take us to the promised land, they need only look back at the past 16 years. He's made a few good veteran acquisitions and that is it.
  9. i just watched the "Lost Rings" show about the '90 Bills...relived the agony of that last drive yet again. But really, even though they didn't get as close to winning I will always feel the '06 Sabres were just as cursed. THAT should have been our year. It still sucks and I almost wish it wouldn't have been brought up! I taught middle school health for several years after that, and always managed to weave the story of that game 7 into my lesson about MRSA/staph infectons. Even though it was Flyers/Pens country the kids could still feel my pain!
  10. EXACTLY. I felt like by Christmas in '07 we were a house of cards. You knew damn well they weren't going to let hockey stay like that. Darcy is the last one to figure out a lot of important things.
  11. That pretty much sums it up. I think Pegula is crazy. Did anyone else hear the time he called Kevin Sylvester and said that every morning when he finishes breakfast he puts the dog in the back seat of his car and drives him around town, because the dog enjoys it? It just sounded loco. At this point I think his feelings are hurt and he's going to keep Darcy around just to stick it to everyone who wants him gone. I really think that's the kind of guy he is. He wants to be seen as a white knight and he can't handle criticism. Who the hell blames the fans and the media when the team sucks? That's CRAZY.
  12. awright i sounded like an ahole there...sorry.
  13. you gotta be kidding me...i'm guessing you're 12 and you just don't remember? http://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/sabres-recent-trade-deadline-history-iffy/ 2006, third place, 83 points General manager Darcy Regier made no additions, only trading No. 3 goalie Mika Noronen to Vancouver for a second-round pick. Some argued the inactivity bit the surprising Sabres, who lost four defensemen to injury during their run to the Eastern Conference final. They lost Game 7 with just two regular defenders, Brian Campbell and Toni Lydman.
  14. i disagree. he gets too much credit for a handful of good deals while failing to help good teams get better way too often. unless you account corkum and tsyplakov. was it a secret we were too thin on the blue line in '06? trade deadline genius darcy cost us a cup that year. it has been so liberating ignoring this team over the last couple weeks. i hope sabre fans join me as that is the only thing that will bring abou change. no change at the top = no hope. also, pegula is nuts.
  15. first of all i don't know how good the individual players are when steve ott is your best forward. 2nd of all this is the exact thing i remembered about the 02-04 teams that were also terrible. couldn't complete a pass....till drury and briere showed up.
  16. ...which is another good reason people should boo. they should boo their a$$es off at this stinking mess until pegula is so humilated he has to do something. he obviously has a huge ego and you know this all is getting to him. i stand by what i said before... if pegula gets rid of darcy and lindy in one fell swoop like he should have, that booing never happens. that happened out of the crappy play COMBINED with the sense of hopelessness that darcy creates. the sabres haven't been able to clear the zone for most ofhis tenure...why should people flip out know? because now we know nothing will change.
  17. this whole argument is stupid. if pegula gets rid of darcy like he should have over the winter then this thread doesn't exist. fans boo because they hate what the management has done to our team. they are sick to death of the whole charade that darcy can fix this thing when most of his teams have sucked....ESPECIALLY since he didn't have hasek to bail out the team. everyone who watches the team closely knows it, but the management still pretends the earth wasn't created till pegula took over. that is bull crap and very frustrating...so they are sending a message. steve ott or any other current player who doesn't get that can go suck an egg. i have been critical of buffalo fans in the past for siting on their hands and selling tickets to opposing fans, but in this case i am 100% in agreement with the large group who is out of patience. and pegula's arrogance doesn't' help...acting like the only thing wrong all along was that there wasn't a benevolent billionaire looking out for all the little peons...sheesh. of course people are going to boo. tell the "young guys" to go hug their blankie. it'll be ok. 42 years with this team.
  18. Otter needs to wake up...the fans are booing Darcy. They are trying to send a message that we're sick of sucking and sick of being told that Buffalo sports media is the problem. And we are sick to death of Darcy Regier and his band of softies. The fans are sick of being EMBARRASSED. So they boo.
  19. f anyone who thinks fans are pessimistic because of the media. the sabres themselves give us more than enough to be pessimistic about. i've never understood why people get their panties in a wad because some sports guy thinks the team he covers is making bad decisions. i hear guys whine that they just do it to sell papers, but if no one else believed it no one would listen. pegula and his suits think that just because they have more money than god we're supposed to pledge our undying love to all things sabre every year....well screw that... we want to enjoy watching the team play well for a change. for any of them to bitch that the problem is the media reminding the fans they suck is the HEIGHT of arrogance. evidently they want all us little peons to stand in line for ti and jerseys and forget all about the fact that our team is garbage. i guess that would be easier if there were not sportswriters around to point out the obvious, but Darcy definitely got an extension
  20. i would like to see if we can get brennan back for him. :wallbash:
  21. this stuff needs to be aired...even if by Leino.
  22. I would like to make list of Darcy's "great moves" so that i can try to understand the argument for keeping him. Here is what I came up with: -Barnaby for Barnes -Warrener for Drury -Gratton for Briere So in 15 years he made 3 real difference making trades. What else is there? Any particularly great draft picks? I guess Pominville at #55 is ok. I'm not going document the case against him because it's been done to death. I'm just trying to figure out the argument for him?
  23. "What's wrong" has been pointed out here a zillion times. Darcy has accumulated a wishy-washy roster full of guys to match his wishy-washy personality. And he's not a good enough evaluator of talent to overcome that. So what we're left with is guys who have a hard time summoning up the will to compete night in and night out, and when they do, theyr're not good enough anyway. And they just extended his contract. It seems pretty obvious this is going to get worse before it gets better.
  24. I can still remember my dad trying to explain to me what the heck was going on when I saw my first Sabre game on tv in 1970. I was 5. I've loved them ever since, although there was a stretch from 83-95 where I lived too far away to follow them closely (since there was no internet). I was just flabbergasted to hear Lindy's been on the bench for 54% of ALL Sabres games as either a player ort a coach. As much as I was ready for a change, that almost brought a tear to my eye. I still miss Ted Darling. My grandparents didn't have a TV, so when I spent the night there, we'd listen to Ted call the games on the radio. I still remember Don Luce's overtime goal against St. Louis (to win one of those wacky 3-game playoff series they used to have) because of Ted's call and my grandpa's reaction. I still am outraged over the Gare trade. For me, the team has never been the same. 05-06 was the closest I've ever come to the what the 70s felt like. Even the 99 finals team felt like a fraud compared to 06. That should have been our year, and if I'm Lindy that is my biggest sorrow. It's been 30 years since I lived within 6 hours of Buffalo, but now that i can, I watch or listen to almost every game, still. Now if only superfan Pegula could finish the job by ditching Darcy, I'd feel like we have a shot.
  25. hershel walker trade is what worked for him.
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