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Everything posted by Tyrannustyrannus

  1. I'm glad George Lucas didn't write this show. Otherwise we'd get a DVD where that Philly scumbag shot at Rick and missed, and then Rick blew him away. Because knowing they are going to shoot you is not good enough, they have to actually do it...
  2. no one's disagreeing with you, but change your avatar
  3. Hemsky is not going to be any different than Stafford. I wouldn't do the deal unless they'd take Roy too. Trading one loser for another gets you nowhere, but trading two losers for one loser I'd like.
  4. I would say its politically correct to wish people who celebrate Christmas a "Merry Christmas" and of course, for my first Christmas in Buffalo in 5 years, there is no snow.
  5. Something interesting, the Actor who plays Dale is from Buffalo, and also played the Lawyer in the Shawshank Redemption.
  6. I don't know, but i'm pretty sure he's down to his last bolt.
  7. have you checked out the webisodes? I haven't watched them yet, but they are all about the Apocalypse. I don't think we need too many flashbacks, then it will be just like Lost.
  8. its the mid-season finale...whatever that means
  9. I assumed the Dr at the CDC told Rick Lori was pregnant before he ran out the door, but he seemed pretty surprised when Lori told him. So what did he tell him? and BTW, I just figured out where I saw that actor before. He played Craig Patrick in Miracle.
  10. I bet he doesn't and the Sabres do nothing.
  11. Time and time again, the Boston Bruins get away with whatever they feel like doing. I mean, that mutant Chara almost killed Max Pacioretty and nothing happened. I don't know why anyone thought today would be different.
  12. I will be sure to set my DVR :clapping:
  13. they had 2 whole periods to run Thomas, what makes you think the 23rd will be any different?
  14. ::shocker:: :yawn:
  15. what a load of crap. this is the same BS that got Hasek all fired up.
  16. Absolutely no chance of a suspension, and I agree that our response was terrible. What happened to the Sabres that started a line brawl when Drury got hit by Neal?
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