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Everything posted by Lanny

  1. The recapture risk is on the Sabres. If Ehrhoff is traded and retires prior to the 2020-21 season, at which point he'll be 38 years old and only making $1M per season, Buffalo will have a cap hit of $10M for 2020-21. If he's still a Sabre and retires that same year the cap hit will be $3M for 2020-21. In my opinion trading him is not an option.
  2. if he retires after 2018 and is still on the Sabres it's $3M a year for the remainder of the contract The bad piece is if he's traded and retires before that last year of the contract, the penalty is $10M for one year. With two years left would be $5M cap hit for two years. He'll be 37 and 38 prior to those years, and playing for only $1M per season
  3. They gain credit for the time that his cap hit is higher than his salary, but only if he is on the team.
  4. Recapture penalty would be the motivation for buying out Ehrhoff
  5. and Stamkos was an RFA when he signed his deal. Like Foligno said, put those guys on the open market today and see what they get.
  6. I think fans rarely are thrilled with the idea of rentals, at least the valuation of them leading up to the deadline.
  7. Thanks for the link, I found his comments regarding taking less for Mike Fisher in order to better take care of the player interesting.
  8. Who was he on with? I'm trying to find it in the audio vault.
  9. Maybe giving an autograph to a kid?
  10. Needs a lot of tweaking in my opinion, they're trading a valuable player and receiving a bunch of spare parts
  11. Risk of recapture penalty is a deterrent to trading Ehrhoff.
  12. McNabb's demotion is likely so he can continue to play during the Olympic break
  13. Thing to remember about Scrivens value is he's a UFA at the end of the season.
  14. I think it was a lose/lose situation, if he were still in Quebec scoring 100 points in 60 games we'd be saying the same thing.
  15. But not until after being benched in his second year for Flutie and SD used a 4th overall pick in the draft on Rivers prior to his 3rd year.
  16. Came off a bit phony to me, playing it up for the camera
  17. I don't believe he was arguing in favor of ditching the coach, just that if the coach were to leave it wouldn't be the end of the world.
  18. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=94565 Looks like he's spent 2.5 seasons in NA, both split between nhl and ahl. Last season left the Oilers and played in the Swiss league.
  19. Sprained knee in the Jax game.
  20. Bon Jovi would likely want to move the team as well: http://www.thestar.com/sports/football/2013/11/24/jon_bon_jovi_mlse_give_toronto_inside_track_on_buffalo_bills_kelly.html
  21. Cichon is saying these are the types of crazy things they used to hear, and therefore the Hasek rumor should not be given any credibility.
  22. Do teams typically let guys like Botterill leave mid season?
  23. not that it changes the analysis bu I count 4: Campbell, Pominville, Miller & Vanek
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