Oh boy, yes please!!
I've stated this on numerous occasions, but just in case anyone missed it :
There is NO team I detest in The NHL like The Flyers. There is no organisation more classless in The NHL than The Flyers. Right from Ed Snider, down to the guy cleans the blood off the ice after one of these clowns have hi-sticked, elbowed, speared or boarded somebody into oblivion, this organisation consists of loudmouthed, cowardly, cheap-shotting, intent-on-injuring whiners!
Even Forsberg, whom I used to think of as a classy player, has resorted to Flyer cheap-shotting and whining in this series.
I guess it comes with the territory, eh? "You wanna play for us? Start playing like a cheap-shotting moron, and don't miss an opportunity to bitch and whine about being sent to the box for it".
I'll take a sweep in the second round with a big ol' smile on my face if I have to, but please please please please - BEAT The Flyers. I just couldn't bear a first round exit to that franchise.