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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. IF.... And that's a mighty big if... They should manage a win, I wouldn't be surprised if this could turn the season around just like when Lucic drilled Miller, only in the opposite direction. This is a statement game, and I don't mean for them to run around hitting everything in sight, but if they prove to themselves they can hang around with Boston, I can't help but feel a lot of these guys will get a confidence boost. But likely they'll just get manhandled, and whooped 5-1.
  2. And so the team finally decides to show a little effort, and Ryan drops a stinker. Perfect.
  3. Couldn't agree more, should've been gone years ago.
  4. Yes. Because clearly, every other team DID have a pre-season, just not the Sabres. Makes sense in Sabre-land, and nowhere else. But how the heck are you supposed to be able to have a fast transition game when your wingers are below the hashmarks,more often than not?
  5. Kristian

    Ruff's System

    I'm with this, cause I have no clue what his system is either, except that it involves 5 guys collapsing down low on defense?
  6. Wouldn't mind that one bit, maybe then someone who has some pull will finally see that Ruff needs to go.
  7. At this point, I'd say that's a little optimistic, They scored three PP goals against Philly, who had a goal wrongfully waived off. They played like @ss against Toronto, but Miller stole that one. They played like @ss against Carolina both games, and lo and behold - They played like @ss again tonight. Fighting for 8th? Things need to change for that to happen.
  8. Same way throughout the 2nd and 3rd. I don't understand? If you're bored, fine - The Sabres might not play a very memorable game of hockey right now, but if that is the case, why go at all? If you're going to a game, have some fun at least. It's not like they lost 6-0 yesterday, the game was tight, even if it might not go down as a classic by any means,
  9. Very true, which should be enough for anyone to see that the team is playing like @ss, even in their two wins.
  10. This. Absolutely no point in keeping him under these conditions. I have been hesitant to comment on Gerbe in the past, but after last night I'm conviced - The munchkin-experiment needs to end now. He will never be able to contribute in this league, due to his stature. Tough, and I feel bad for him, but with the current state of the game, it's just how things are.
  11. Just switched to the Wild - Wings game. For a second I thought someone put the feed on fast-forward, then realised players can actually skate that fast.
  12. All I know is, if the coach never changes his style, why would the team?
  13. How so? They beat a most average Flyers team, would've lost to a most average Leafs team if not for Miller. I see no difference in these four games, except the Sabres scored 3 PP goals against Philly.
  14. Sick of this, have been for years.
  15. So we swicthed from sucking in the 2nd, to giving up two in the 3rd? I'll take sucking in the 2nd, please.
  16. Oh well, when you're thin like this at center, don't be surprised you lose your defensive zone faceoffs, Darcy.
  17. I thought it was the player saying to the ref, "are you ###### kidding me?" since he didn't get a call?
  18. Giftwrapped puck for Staal there, Myers.... Nice.
  19. Harry Neale certainly seems to believe so.
  20. Well, when you put it that way.......
  21. Pretty dull game so far, and way too much Canes in the 2nd.
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