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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. And this is eaxctly what makes me break out in cold sweat all over. Think about it - I think most people would agree the dreaded "core" was pretty much a very talented group, player by player. Roy, Pominville, Connolly, Miller, Myers, Stafford. Add Vanek to that mix, I think most people would agree you'd have been drafting rather well. Player by player, that is. As it turned out though, you put these guys on the same team, and you end up between 9th and 11th every year. So now, we're supposed to go through an extended period of "suffering", just so the guy who failed miserably at putting together a succesful team through the draft the first time around, can have another go at it - I have to say, *this* is my only problem with this rebuild : Darcy Regier. *Edit - I realise Darcy din't draft Timmy, however he did trade for him.
  2. Don't worry, that payroll will be greatly reduced on July 1st, 2014.
  3. I'm not going to sit here and tell you you're wrong, cause frankly I wouldn't know either way. I am going to say this though - If his dad doesn't want him playing in Edmonton, then why in the name of all that is hockey would he want him in Buffalo? I'm guessing the Sabres are pretty much dead last on 90% of the league's "would like to go there" list, right now.
  4. Darcy needs no help in that respect, he's doing an outstanding job at it all by himself.
  5. Watched him mic'ed up in Beyond Blue & Gold the other day. Reminds me of myself in high school - Completely disinterested in the teacher, cracking stupid jokes, preferrably to the kids who DO seem interested. Acting like an obnoxious teenager half the time, which is fine. Most of us did. When we were in our teens...
  6. I always thought it was some sort of urban myth, based on the fact that no other GM's have actually talked bad about him. I've heard it before, but the only times I've ever seen Darcy mentioned by other GM's it's been the usual "he's a good hockey guy", "knows the game well" stuff. Pretty much what I would say to reporters if I were asked about the competition's GM, if I didn't have much to say about him.
  7. Fixed :flirt:
  8. I doubt they'd move Myers (who would take that contract anyway?), or Grigorenko, and I doubt anyone would take Stafford, even for free. I have to believe they're shopping Vanek and Miller, since everything else would make no sense at all, which is probably why they're not shopping either.
  9. They would most likely "relieve him of his responsibilities" I imagine, and keep honoring his contract with regards to his salary, unless of course he found a job elsewhere, in which case they likely agree on a mutual termination. Don't see much point in changing coaches though, unless the new coach could punch Regier's lights out everytime he saw him, I suppose :w00t:
  10. You Sir, deserve a medal :worthy:
  11. Kristian


    If we had a PP who could cash some of the penalties he draws, I don't think we'd be having this discussion. That said, I think Kaleta's value to this team is more a reflection of how soft the team has been the past years, than Kaleta filling a specific gap.
  12. Kristian


    I could care less if he answers the bell, lots of other teams have agitators who never fight anyone out of their class. Not particularly fond of that part of his game, but I'm quite tired of the Sabres having to be somewhat of a moral beacon in this league. A lot of other teams have cheapshot artists too, maybe the Sabres need a few more? Not much fun in always being on the receiving end.
  13. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Much like when he hung on to Max for three seasons too long.
  14. Stafford played last year??
  15. I would expect Leino to switch to wing, so.... WTF am I thinking, I'd rather have Flynn there than Leino..... :flirt:
  16. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Flynn came in and played poorly, I'm just saying that with the current prospects "depth chart", we're in trouble if Flynn is still ahead of some of these kids, as it means we're nowhere closer to bringing the them along than last year. If Grigs and Larsson aren't ahead of him on the depth chart, things are going to be painful to watch, I'm afraid.
  17. Exactly, if the team has room for Flynn, it's not a good team. I like his hustle, but at this point we need more than just hustle.
  18. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have a problem with the current Thomas Vanek being one of said veterans. I guess the question beckons, does he want to be here this season? If not, there goes his presence as a veteran out the window. Only time will tell, I suppose. With regards to Miller, I think it's even more difficult to say - Goalies are usually basket cases, and while I don't think Miller is a whacko like Hasek or Roy, he doesn't exactly strike me as a pillar of strength for youth to lean on either. I think Tallinder should probably count in there, as veteran presence as well. I really would've liked to see Morrow here with Ott, I think that would've been a very good pickup, for some of the youngsters on this team.
  19. You're right, it doesn't. I just have a hard time seeing how replacing half the roster with rookies is going to be a formula for success, without at least some veterans around who do not answer to the names "Drew Stafford" or "Ville Leino". Drafting is one thing, developing is something else. Second point : If you want to split hairs, I said "right about now" :flirt:
  20. That's how you build a contender, according to Darcy. I find it amusing that the media apparently hasn't asked him why it didn't work the first time he tried it, and why we now need to "rebuild", and dump our late-twenties core players, who should be peaking right about now?
  21. But won't he be astonished once the market sets, as usual?
  22. They're still here because everyone knows they'll both be available for a 2nd rounder next march. I'm betting ol' T-Pegs won't be happy with how this fares, as I'm sure he doesn't know enough about hockey to understand why his two stars will end up walking for nothing or next to nothing. I'm sure he's expecting either a decent trade with good players coming in, or he's expecting one or both to sign an extension.
  23. Pro hockey players should be able to connect with 10-15 ft passes, this team can't even manage that.
  24. I'm not disagreeing at all, just had to throw in how dumbfounded I am by how poorly the Sabres pass a puck, and how frustrating it can be for a player of some talent, which I'm sure we agree Stafford is however well he seems to hide it, to deal with consistently poor passing. My own personal opinion though, is that he's lazy and doesn't feel like reaching for it. Whatever the reason might be.
  25. I'm probably one of the most firmly entrenched people you'll ever find in the "Let's Run Drew Stafford Out of Town" camp, but the Sabres simply have to be the worst passing pro hockey team I ever saw. I have *never* in my life seen a pro team, botch so many completely simple passes like the Sabres do. If it were me, I'd be outraged too at some point and stop reaching for one crap pass after another. What we as fans often fail to understand, is that in this league, reaching for a bad pass can put you directly in the crosshairs of any cheapshort artist, wishing to put you in the stands for a few months nursing a concussion. Doubt this is the case with Stafford, just thought I'd throw it in there. You never know.
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