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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. They're drastically different because the samples vary greatly in size. Miller has played four games for every one game Enroth has played. That said, I don't think one bad game is enough to drive Enroth out of town.
  2. At this point, I'll take just one or three easy saves from him. God, that was awful to watch.
  3. I think the major difference is, John Scott would never be on a line with Staal. Period. Gerbe is on that line, because he's good enough to play there.
  4. I agree, and that was years ago.
  5. Too small to play on a team that played small. Good for him, nice to see that he finally ended up somewhere he'd get a chance to shine, cause it sure as heck wasn't here. Would've liked to see him under Nolan, but sadly it wasn't to be.
  6. Obviously. My only point is it matters little if he's 19 or 21 years, if he's playing against inferior opposition either way. That said, the only place for him is the Q for the next few months, as he, IMHO, is nowhere near NHL ready.
  7. Actually, it's not very impressive if a 19 year old is dominating 16 year olds, either.
  8. This. Mismanaged or not, he's been bad to horrible every single NHL game he's played.
  9. Fact is, there is no logic to this move at all. If he really wants to play in Buffalo, he must know this is the best way to ensure he's played his last game here. At best he gets dealt to someone who feels he might help them (boy, are they in for a suprise). At worst, he gets hung out to dry in hockey no-mans land, without a team to play for.
  10. Except he has showing absolutely nothing at pro level to warrant that tag.
  11. I think this just might be the real issue here.
  12. Not with his skating, he won't. I know, I know - He's 19, etc. etc. But ask yourselves this - If someone has been playing hockey since they were 6-7 years old, wouldn't you expect their skating ability to be a damn sight better than Grigo's? He looks even worse than Vanek when he first came here. This is not an area where you can just hit the weights, or the bike or anything, this has a lot to do with raw talent. You either have it, and you can become a great skater, or do you don't, and no matter how hard you work at it, you'll only be servicable at best. Vanek became somewhat better, but he still lacks the agility and acceleration of many of his peers. He'll need to make up for this deficit in other areas, and acting like a spoiled brat is not where he should start.
  13. And we're absolutely sure those no's are accurate? Cause he sure looks smaller than both. Not shorter perhaps, but lankier.
  14. My main problem with him from day 1 has been his skating. I was really disappointed to see a prospect, apparently this hyped, be such a poor skater. I mean, he appears to have his technique all wrong. Too upright skating position, WAY too slow, and with the agility of Dave Andreychuk. Drunk! I'm sure he can improve on this, but how much? He's not built like Joe Thornton, or even Thomas Vanek.
  15. If this is how he feels, then the Sabres didn't do a well enough of job of letting him know that this is the only option they have. He's not NHL-ready, being here will only hurt his development further. He'll be with the Amerks next year, but perhaps he wouldn't be too happy about that either? I agree, he never should've been brought here in the first place, but that cluster###### is on former management, and there's nothing anyone can do about it now.
  16. That's possible, but chances are he's not ready for the KHL either. It's less than half a season. He's 19. He needs to contain his ego, and do what he's told. He's not an NHL player. He should know the Sabres have no other options than send him back to juinors.
  17. True, he won't learn a darned thing there, but won't he eligible to play in the AHL next season?
  18. Unless there's something we don't know, like place outside NA that he'd like to play instead where the Sabres won't let him go to, this is a move that pisses me off to end. He is nowhere near NHL-ready, and competitive or not, he should realise he's in WAY over his head. He doesn't skate well enough, he's not strong enough, and he doesn't hustle enough.
  19. Agree. Not sure how much he'll learn playing on the bigger ice surface either, he needs to get way better in less space.
  20. There is. It's called Rochester :wallbash:
  21. Golisano bought the team again, and brings back Larry the Moron? :w00t:
  22. Had a big black lab when I was a teenager/in my twenties. Built as a brick-wall, usually mistaken for a black Rottweiler, with smarts a and serious crush on children, puppies and basically everything enfant. He was particularly fond of my youngest niece, who he managed to corner in the living room once when she was about two years old - That little girl grabbed that huge head, taller than she, and pushed him away while going "Go away, stupid Butler". I'll remember that sight for as long as I live. What we need to remember as pet owners, is when you start seeing that resignating look, you always need to ask yourself at what time that animal stops living for itself, and starts living for you. We owe that much, to friends who become such huge parts of our lives.
  23. Man, that sucks :( Saying goodbye to an old friend like that is always tough.
  24. For that contract to work out, he basically needs to score 60 goals both this season, and next season. He was hired to score 20-30 goals a season, and add the same number of assists. So far he's got 10 :blink: over three seasons, granted one of which was shortened.
  25. All I know for a fact, is that no Bruin has tried to cheapshot a Sabre since Scott came around. No running goalies, no two-hand slashing of star players anymore. That alone, in my book, is enough reason to dress him every single time we play those idiots.
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