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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. No, he should've been out of the league way before, that's what's wrong with it.
  2. That fact that he hasn't been suspended in 3 years pretty much tells you something's completely wrong.
  3. Seriously, why is he even allowed in the league anymore? Pat Kaleta was pretty much thrown out, yet scumbag Matt Cooke continues to cheapshot people, get suspended, yet be allowed to return to cheapshot even more people. ENOUGH! He shouldn't be allowed to play in the NHL again. Ever. Of course, getting rid of him would mean half Boston's roster would soon have to follow. Can't have that.
  4. On the contrary, I'd prefer him to wear it.
  5. Patrik Stefan was someone I'd cry myself to sleep over wasting a no. 1 pick on, but "can't miss"? Maybe not.
  6. I'd say two slots, if not three, too high. "One line or pairing too high" was a trait that plagued Darcy's teams for years, both before and after the "no-touch" years. It became even worse when Regier, in his infinite idiocy, publically declared "tank on".
  7. Which is how you build a team in the first place. Darcy had NO clue how to properly build a team
  8. In our case, it's just as much a case of the big club not being good enough for whoever we draft. Putting a youngster on the current roster is a surefire way to ruin a career, you ask me.
  9. Good for Lindy, but I still wanted him gone, as things needed to change around here, and he was a part of it. And I'll never root for the Stars, that's like rooting for the Flyers or Boston.
  10. Amen. And part of me thinks he played like ass on purpose this year, solely to get bought out over the summer, so he can ###### off to another team. Truly an ass.
  11. This guy goes down in Sabres history as the biggest bust ever, and should stand as a monument over Darcy's tenure here.
  12. THANK. FREAKIN'. GOD! Done.....!! Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Never underestimate the ability of Darcy Regier to ruin a perfectly good hockey team, even if he's been fired.
  13. I'd agree with this. Injuries have been everywhere the past 5-7 seasons, this does not come down to tough luck alone.
  14. I'm expecting a broken leg from him :wallbash: I got a feeling this guy is the closest thing to a Sabres albatros we'll ever see.
  15. My guess is the league isn't too happy with Buffalo's all-too-obvious tanking effort, and I fully expect us to NOT get the 1st overall pick.
  16. I'll drive him! Forwards are usually a lot easier to move though, so draft the forward, trade him for a d-man prospect if the need arises. And they already drafted Zadorov and Risto, last year. This team should draft nothing but centers, as paper-thin as we are at that position.
  17. I hope not, I'd like him to stick around a few more years :w00t:
  18. I'n betting Ryan's pretty happy not having to worry about that anymore.
  19. I fully expect Ville Lamo to tear a knee-ligament tonight, leaving us unable to buy him out in the off-season :wallbash:
  20. If the team ever starts winning againb, that'll change. I remember thinking hell froze over in the 2007 playoffs, when seemingly every marginal call went our way. Be a top runner for a few years, and watch things change. Right now, we're last in the standings, of course the league doesn't give a hoot about the Sabres. Bush league? Most definitely, but there's no conspiracy, other than we suck.
  21. ^This. I've said it before, and I'll say it from here to christmas - The only way to respond to something like that, if you're not going after the guy who did it immediately, is to line up for the ensueing faceoff, and tell the guy opposite you exactly what you're gonna do to *his* goalie in a few seconds. Then watch them all go apeshit. You can have the biggest, baddest f*cker in the world on the opposing team - Nothing he can do to stop you putting his goalie through the end boards, if that's what you want to do. Sure, it'll most likely end in a huge brawl, but I guarantee you - Nobody runs your goalie again that season.
  22. So, what else is new? That's pretty much how things looked since 2008, barring a certain Ryan Miller olympic-year-season. Only difference is, the roster is now tailored to suck just as bad as the general attitude on the team.
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