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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. Screw Ron Rugnutt? Why? That Plante softie was epic, we should be sending him wine every christmas. Screw Ed Belfour instead :wallbash:
  2. Epic collpase in San Jose - Any chance they'll dismantle that team over the summer? Clearly, it's not a post-season team. At least not out west.
  3. Here's one to make you feel better : Too bad our own players get suspended every time they touch a Bruin, so I guess other teams have to pick up our slack. This is a dandy though. And BTW : 1. Philly 2. Boston 3. Ottawa
  4. LOL, I don't recall the specific game, but if something like that happened, why would I expect it to be against Ron Rolston's Sabres? :w00t:
  5. That Bruin collapse was magnificent, however them winning it the next season kinda takes most of the fun out of it.
  6. Man, if the Blues fans thought they had it bad, they need to watch San Jose, who are on the verge of an epic collapse.
  7. We're still paying for a lot of Darcy's stupidities.
  8. No, Toronto did not lose a playoff position due to said goal :flirt:
  9. There's a memo that allows the on-ice officials to let questionable Sabres goals stand, as long as a certain set of conditions are met. 1. The game must be absolutely meaningless, i.e. the Sabres may not be in a position where they can either move into a playoff position, or stop certain other teams from moving into said playoff position. 2. These teams are Boston, Montreal, Toronto, any team with Sydney Crosby on the roster, and if the goal is scored against the Flyers, the Flyers. 3. The goal must under NO CIRCUMSTANCES happen in a playoff game. If any of said conditions are NOT met, the goal must be called off immiediately, preferrably without any explanation or review, and an automatic game misconduct must be handed out to John Scott.
  10. They have? My memory fails me, I don't recall when? I obviously should rephrase though - "How the hell do you allow two goals when facing an empty net"?
  11. I'd only take him back because it would make it easier to win online games in NHL14 :flirt:
  12. How the hell do you allow two empty net goals? I don't think I ever saw that before.
  13. Man oh man, the Hawks can play.
  14. Game, set and match.
  15. Gotta be right some time, I guess :flirt: Betting the Blues expected more from Miller.
  16. All kinds of hanging heads on the Blues right now, don't be surprised if it's 3-1 in the next minute or two.
  17. Being reasonably slow and reasonably easy to muscle off the puck is bad combination, and we've had way too many guys who fit that bill the past 10 years. Clearly, Miller is the problem.
  18. They sure make tanking look like a great idea, that's for sure. However, I have a nasty feeling the Sabres are going to make the idea of tanking look somewhat different, but that's what the Regier years have done to me - Made me the eternal pessimist.
  19. Would work for me. I like Nolan, but ultimately I like the Sabres more, so if it means better results, sure bring in another coach. And like you said, barring any stupid incidents, he could easily have salvaged his NHL career through his return to the Sabres. I see very little downside for anyone here, even though we're talking pure speculation.
  20. Just dawned on me just how much I miss winning a playoff series ..... :sick:
  21. What was terrible was Polak's half-assed change on the play, guy took forever to get to the bench, leaving Toews a clear path to the net. Give Toews a breakaway in OT, and you're usually in trouble. It's just that we as Sabres fans are used to seeing guys miss on breakaways all the time, other teams can actually score on them. That said, you want to win Stanley Cups, you need to stop pucks.
  22. Well, he singlehandedly pissed away game 4, that much is for sure. And did I read this right? 9 playoff games straight now where Crosby hasn't scored?
  23. Just saw the Columbus gamewinner - WOW, are you serious Fleury??! Flashes of Kasparaitis.
  24. Nice look-away from Kane on that, Miller expecting the pass, and the St. Louis defenseman not knowing what to expect, ending up playing neither pass or shot. Like Dark said, horrible defense.
  25. Poetic justice? Thank the lord for small mercies? Just trying to find a wording that describes something as ironic as this, and there's definitely some truth to it.
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