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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. Are we bringing Regier back too, cause he was the mastermind of this concept.
  2. Why is he still here??!?!??!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Derserved win for the Kings, but despite what I might've thought of the Rags before this series - They sure as ###### made a series of it! 3 OT losses doesn't really say "4-1 series win". This thing should've gone to 6, and could easily have gone to 7.
  4. I ask Darcy Regier, cause clearly - This guy *knows* hockey.....!! :w00t:
  5. I like Regehr, but unless someone else is banged up worse than he, why play him? It's not like they're missing him, it seems?
  6. Honestly, if the NHL would just be a little less inconsistent and bush-league in the way they officiate the game, and discipline it's players and coaches, this debate never takes place.
  7. Has anyone seen Rick Nash lately? Are we talking "Rick Nashin", or is he perhaps playing hurt?
  8. Rangers could've put it away in OT as well. The trend in the finals so far : Rangers lose their finish as games wear on - LA gets sharper. My guess is they're an extremely well-conditioned team. You know, kinda like the anti-Sabres.
  9. I've seen bigger goalie interferences go uncalled, so I don't think anyone would be suprised this one was too. That said, it's a hard rule to enforce, simply because it's completely down to the refs discretion to call interference or not. What they need is a new "skate in the crease rule", allowing Toronto to review a goal where a player had his skate in the crease, to determine whether or not there may have been any interfering with the goaltender. Nothing like the original ridiculous one, where a goal would be disallowed if a player was decked in front of the net, and once skate grazed the blue paint as he was falling down. As things are right now, you basically need to tackle the goalie into his own net, for a goalie interference penalty to be called.
  10. Who is this Leino, you speak of?
  11. I always knew there was a scoring area. Just didn't know both teams had one...
  12. I'm thinking maybe the Rangers should try and let the Kings go up by two next game, cause being up by two sure isn't working for them. Like watching the Sabres with a 2-0 lead.
  13. I sincerely doubt that, anyone with half a brain would kick Garth Snow out the door the second he signs ownership documents. That said, I said the same thing about Regier 4 years ago, and look how that turned out :wallbash:
  14. I try not to pick at Lindy - He's gone, people know how I felt about his time here, but in this case I cannot help it - When you publically state your goal is to turn your first 40-goal guy in a decade into the "best two-way player" in the game, you've lost it. Flame away.
  15. Aw man, you just *had* to go there, reminding me there's a team called the Sabres in the NHL.
  16. If the Rags take out the second starting goaltender in consecutive series, I would have to believe the Kings would dress som AHL pylon for the next game, with the sole purpose of taking out Lundy.
  17. If LA took it in 7 games, it'd be quite an accomplishment. Winning 4 game 7's in one playoff? As if 3 wasn't impressive enough.
  18. Most likely playing injured?
  19. Which of course we all know, is just a fancy title for the guy who opens the zamboni doors.
  20. Wouldn't the Caps be able to do better than that? The Sedin's are damn good players, but are 33 as to where Ovi is 28? Might not be many years left in the Sedin's, if you want to shake things up, why bring in two guys who are entering the autmn of their careers?
  21. Vanek hurting his own stock, that's for sure.
  22. And played well, I might add.
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