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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. On a sidenote - Sam Lafferty apparently is liking posts on the Sabres FB page. Lindy’s post-presser to be precise. Some of those comments are, shall we say, “not in favor of the team”?
  2. Today, my guess is Lafontaine smelled trouble right from the get-go, and decided to get the hell outta Dodge, as soon as he could.
  3. Meh, get rid of all of them and promote the Amerks, who cares….
  4. I only read “sell the team” and hit the like button. That’s enough for me.
  5. I’m oficially done with Tage. Biggest ***** ***** on the team after Power, floats like the absolute worst, and excudes “I’m too good for this team”, with every fiber of his being. He and Power can ***** off already.
  6. Yes please, I’ve seen enough of his floating.
  7. Lindy loves Cozens, he can do no wrong.
  8. Agree, but no stars are coming here. That was my point. Can we do with less? Certainly.
  9. I’m not talking about transaction periods, I’m talking about teams not moving big time scorers, because they’re… well…. Big time scorers! And forget free agency, nobody wants to come here. Established scorers are off the table for club like this, and it’s our own fault.
  10. Tage was by far the worst player on the ice today. Horrible floatjob, and changing on transitions going the wrong way. I’m ready to see him going somewhere else, if a deal can be made somehow.
  11. Yeah, we’ll offer Quinn for a big time scorer, that’ll work. I dislike KA as much as the next guy, but those players do not come cheap, if at all.
  12. And the only two times we play the body, we win possesion…. Sheesh…
  13. If only we had a guy like Quinn Hughes. Totally owned the OT.
  14. Please keep Thompson off the ice, floating is not allowed for the next four minutes.
  15. Pssst. Don’t tell that to Thompson, his feelings will be hurt.
  16. Lindy being Lindy. Always had his favorites and whipping boys. At least Tage hustled back. Oh wait…
  17. Dude has been floating all night. Mr. Superstar can’t be bothered.
  18. At least he comes cheap. Oh wait……
  19. Sit Dylans ass for the rest of the night.
  20. Not gonna happen. Our crappy PP is gonna lose us this one.
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