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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. Good, because this mess *is* on him.
  2. I hate Ralph Krueger so very much.
  3. Risto did a nice job of making himself look like an ass on the Barzal goal too.
  4. Nobody taking the guy in front, brilliant 😂
  5. It’s called “RK’s System”, I believe...
  6. TBF, goaltending is not the primary or even secondary reason they’re losing this year.
  7. Oh great the, only 2 more off-seasons to go 😂
  8. He may just have been a very good judge of character, but who knows?
  9. ....and basically nobody else.
  10. This just makes me hate RK even more.
  11. I just think he’s sick of playing RK’s “system”.
  12. Even Lady Luck is in the stands, booing the Sabres.
  13. Meh... More futility....
  14. Agree 100%.
  15. Team meetings? Or x’s and o’s meetings? If it’s the former, that’s an INSANE number, and a surefire to make sure you get tuned out. It’s like that guy in office meetings who always rambles on long after everyone’s pretty much agreed on an approach, yet he just keeps talking, regardless. Whenever that guy opens his mouth, everyone’s busy doing different things in their minds, while pretending to listen. X’s and O’s? Meh, I’d expect several on game day alone.
  16. Pretty soon to be followed by "lowest number of W's in the league". No relation, just pointing out that we're quite good at leading in dubious categories.
  17. Excellent! I was lost the entire way! Brilliant.
  18. Because he sucked at his job.
  19. I’m sorry.... We have stars?
  20. I don’t know, but I’m sure it was sometime in the past 9 years, and the team was the Sabres?
  21. I can see that being a problem... Think the league will fine us for it?
  22. Ralph would claim Captain was irrelevant, and have a sitdown meeting with the players about how they, to him, ALL are captains....!
  23. Let’s see.... Who was that guy with the weird faces on the bench again? The guy who scored 40 one year, and his genious coach then wanted to turn him into Curtis Brown?
  24. The Sabres DO realize you’re allowed to shoot high, right? NHL rules here, not backyard pond rules.
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