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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. The mohawk he always does, at the weirdest of times and places. Feet in opposite directions.
  2. Yes please, sick of watching all that mohawk crap in the neutral zone anyway 🤣
  3. Tage is playing well though.
  4. I know they’ve scored three, but this has to be the sloppiest game they’ve played so far this season.
  5. I am SICK of this team dropping low, Lindy-style…
  6. And now a penalty. FFS……
  7. Great defense. Great defense….
  8. He hasn’t got a clue as to how the play the man. So was the first goal.
  9. Good grief, the goals we give up…….
  10. We give up some pretty horrible chances.
  11. Doesn’t have to he much to be a clean-cut boarding call, and a 5 minute PK.
  12. Guess he missed the pressbox. Lucky to get away with 2 mins there.
  13. Tokarski still working on his Carter Hutton impression?
  14. I love how Bryson plays the man on defense. Are you paying attention, Rasmus?
  15. While Ron Rolston and Phil were shite too, at least Housley was a heckuva player.
  16. Just in case I haven’t mentioned it lately - Krueger is the worst coach I ever saw coach a pro team. Carry on…
  17. Hope Dahlin was taking notes when McDavid tried to stickhandle through Bryson with 2 minutes remaining. That’s called “playing the man”, Rasmus. Try it 😊
  18. Surely you don’t mean former Premier League managers? I’m still embarassed we have owners who’d make such a hire….
  19. Please no - I like Cozens 😎
  20. Not every injury is a broken wrist.
  21. Don’t worry - Kim Pegula “knows stuff”.
  22. Which pretty much describes how bad we are.
  23. He bought it.
  24. Is anyone in the organisation ever going to address the uncanny amount of injuries we seem to have every season? No? Business as usual then.
  25. I don’t give a crap if Dahlin scored tonight, he was awful again tonight, barring 30 seconds in the 2nd.
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