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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. Guy has the easiest job in the league - Doing ***** all. God, everytime I think we can’t possibly do worse, an assclown like this guy opens his mouth, and proves me wrong. How do such incompetent IDIOTS end up in jobs like this?
  2. We have expectation to win installed? Since when?? Why am I always the last to hear of these things??!!
  3. Girgensons in only an NHL player in Buffalo.
  4. KO has done f*ck all than collect a huge paycheck while never making the playoffs here. Goodbye, and good riddance.
  5. This! The oldest trick in the Sabres playbook! The late season rally! There’s a reason they say “you can’t make the playoffs in November, but you can certainly miss them”. That should be painted on the freakin’ locker room floor!
  6. I would rather miss the playoffs for an additional 12 years straight, than have either scumbag brother on this team.
  7. Because we’re not scoring enough goals to play that way this year, and if not for UPL, we wouldn’t have last night either. First win of the season when scoring less than three goals.
  8. Totally agree. Way too wide open for a road game, UPL stole this one. And what was with the complete slot collapse after the Jackets pulled the goaltender? Standing around just waiting, and letting them pass it around like that? It’s 6 on 5, not 4 on 3! Our luck the Jackets are crap!
  9. Play without home fans, because the fans are so meeeeeeaaaan, apparently. Another crest on the jersey seems to work?
  10. The atmosphere is “toxic”? The team has been hot dogshit for over a decade, but the atmosphere is “toxic”? If so, then it’s for a damn good reason. These guys are bums, nothing more. Always looking for excuses for being bums. Have been for over a decade.
  11. Great. Maybe they can all have a nice big group-hug, pre-game. We can call it a “bum-hug”, as it’s essentially a bunch of bum players hugging a bum coach. This team definitely has their priorities all messed up, no wonder they suck so bad. If DG is such a great guy in the minds of his players, maybe they should start playing for him, instead of alienating whatever small fanbase that remains? Seems to me that would be having the priorities straight, but no. A bum captain who should’ve been out of the league years ago, needs to make a bum move, because he can’t play hockey. I’ve had it.
  12. Yes, they signed fat extensions, and have all been dogsh*t ever since. Cant’t imagine why anyone would boo that.
  13. I’m sorry, that was the most positive I could muster. Who doesn’t like money? 🤣
  14. Kyle Okposo can jump in a grease fire, for all I care. Sticking it to the fans for being upset with the coach was the last straw with this bum. He’s been hot dogshit ever since he came here, and this is the only organisation in the league that wouldn’t have thrown his overpaid behind on waivers, where he should have been seven years ago.
  15. They moved their franchise poster-boy, and none of these overpaid creampuffs seemed to notice.
  16. The Sabres could make the 1985 Oilers roster miss the playoffs…. It runs in the franchise now. This is the club where careers go to die. A club where your only hope is escape, or a paycheck so huge, you can swallow your ambitions as an athlete, and be a “loser for hire”.
  17. Clearly, the man is clueless. I’m envious.
  18. The move he should be making involves handing KA his resignation…
  19. Nah, KO is still butthurt. Can’t wait until he retires.
  20. True, too bad Vanek had the entire organisation thrust on his shoulders after black sunday. But do you know who I really miss in front of the net? Dave-Freakin’-Andreychuk. Big, heavy, slow as hell, lumbering Dave! God, this team needs a Dave….
  21. Terry is clueless about hockey. He wanted his shiny toy, but never bothered to read the instructions.
  22. Maybe he should stop hiring piss-poor GM’s and he wouldn’t have to?
  23. Good. Not that these bums care.
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