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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Abel, Beth, Cathy, and Daniel are at an ice cream parlor with four counter seats, which they occupy. One of them farted very loudly. Based upon the following clues, can you tell who smelt it and who dealt it? 1. Beth was the first person to enter the ice cream parlor. 2. Daniel did not order the hot fudge sundae. 3. The person who ordered the banana split is not the farter. 4. Abel sat somewhere to the right of Cathy. 5. The soda jerk refused to make a cherry sundae for the third person to enter the ice cream parlor. 6. The person who smelt it has a name which begins with a consonant, and did not order a peanut waffle.
  2. I went a little early (I'll explain in a bit when I see you all) but I don't think they'll open too much before 430. The name for the reservation is spndnchz. It's a Polish name, so just fill in random vowels wherever.
  3. No, that's not going to happen.
  4. Omigosh how did even GWB flub that one?!
  5. Doesn't he already have about 90 or so?
  6. Whoa. That is some big news. Hopefully he takes it well and develops.
  7. I would say that this answer approaches Catholic theology very accurately. When we pray for divine intercession for a sick loved one, for example, what we really are *doing* is asking for a happy end to our own pain. And there's nothing wrong with that--it's human nature. It's not selfish to a level that should concern anyone regarding their own scrupulosity. I could go on a little more but I don't have the M.Div. yet. Anyway, I'm very happy that the news on Hamlin has turned out to be so good so far.
  8. Yeah but we talk about Cozens here, not cousins.
  9. Just horrible.
  10. Your son has excellent taste.
  11. Union Pub is across Swan from the baseball stadium and is walkable to the arena. I will see you all at 430 then
  12. Great. How's Casey doing?
  13. Nine years tomorrow. ***** I miss her.
  14. Didn't this tournament end yesterday?
  15. OK good. The lamb/beef substitute is really just so subpar.
  16. Awesome...do they still make the shepherds pie using real shepherds?
  17. I'm going to meet you all at UP and already told Woody about it (despite my sarcasm earlier); I can just stand if they can't accommodate us with a table.
  18. That is an option. It is not a good option.
  19. I have not tried that and maybe I should. But I did love the world of physical cash for physical tix. Did I use that word?
  20. I miss the days of resellers on the streets before the game. Tickets on StubHub right now are incredibly costly.
  21. Why isn't this expected?
  22. Reading through the last few posts, it seems that we can agree that Mittleltadt sucks. The problem is whether his replacement is in the organization, which iit isn't. Can you honestly see this guy starting games in Chicago, much less Boston?
  23. This is not news.
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