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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I think it probably is more precautionary than anything. He prolly just needs some rest, which is why he took a maintenance day Tuesday. Dahlin being in is nice. They really both should have been but it's not something I wanted to get worked up about. Buffalo fans like @Taro T who are going for the weekend deserve to see both, though.
  2. Let's not forget last year, when Dahlin got a spot because Buffalo had to have a representative.
  3. The Strange Brew unis are hideous.
  4. I'd better. He's a lot more fit than I. He'd destroy me.
  5. Someone else noticed this above, but it just stinks. If I have to listen to these two Olympic gymnastics announcers and there's no Thompson...well, I'm sure there's a Law and Order episode on somewhere. Would you relax? Geez. You know I love you and am just having fun.
  6. I am nowhere near Buffalo right now. Not even in the same time zone. Not on the continent. So yeah, screwing around with the cable app that I have through a friend (blocked for regional reasons), looking for the game on MSG as originally posted... etc.
  7. I found TNT, no thanks to you. We're gonna have words when I see you.
  8. OK it's getting late. Let's get this third period on.
  9. I have no idea what or who the commentator is, but he should be banned from this forever. It sounds like Olympics BS. "You know, Dave, a pike position on the first dive is always a signal that the diver wants to use a triple Lindy on the second dive." Or "The Romanians are just now starting to get into their zone, you can sense it, it's classic water polo" or "The Czechs are really feeing the pressure right now, they usually fold against other Eastern European countries, can they hold on?" This guy is a weenie.
  10. OK. First of all, @LGR4GM, this is not an MSG game and your title had me working on how to find the game for quite a while. There is a website called sabres.com where you can check what channels the games are on. Second, I'm not fond of these TNT pre-game and intermission idiots.
  11. Good thing the Devils hadnโ€™t handed the team over to Brunette yet.
  12. I was all ready to post this with the headline UPLROTM.
  13. Prolly See, folks, THIS is how to meme. The quote is there, it matches the scene, and it makes sense in context.
  14. Ah too bad. I was hoping he'd be something in the NHL.
  15. Orr, Lafleur, Bossy, Potvin, and I can probably think of a few others. Espo never impressed me that much and Borque always was overrated. Not to say that he isn't one of the greats--he is--but overrated among the greats.
  16. I wish I could go back and find all the posts where I've said that these guys can't go 100% all the time only to be told that I'm too much of a "Buffalo fan" who accepts losing.
  17. head slap thingy
  18. We are closer in time to Cleopatra than Cleopatra was to the pyramids.
  19. ***** Boston.
  20. No worries--I'm just teasing @bunomatic for this:
  21. I'm not sure what they're doing--don't have a subscription--but if it's best NHL players or whatever, those 8, 9, 10 don't quite make sense.
  22. Are practice notes related to Coles Notes?
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