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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I think that's his point... My, how Brady's hair has grown.
  2. Fair enough on the Illuminati thing, that's on me, but no one thought your post yesterday was a joke.
  3. I really can't stand this ***** team. I might hate them more than Filly.
  4. It is 8:26 and they just dropped the puck. Geez.
  5. Yeah on the Canadian feed (SN).
  6. Oh, some of you are NOT going to be happy with the opening sequence...ROR in a Sabres uniform smashing his stick and then talking about his feelings (in the Buffalo locker room)....
  7. I got your point. It wasn't tough. No one else thought it was a joke, or even remotely humorous (it wasn't.). I think you missed my point. And everyone else's. Spreading that type of false info is bad, no matter the side.
  8. Chara can go get $(&%$# by a blue W$%OUIO in the %&U(#@.
  9. It wasn't a joke. He was trying to pass off BS as real life. I think we all know that now. It's a well-known far-right tactic, kind of like "they're gonna take my guns!" (see above). If he wants to pass it off as a joke, fine for the time being. But no one saw it that way.
  10. Ohhhh. Wow. Not sure I like it so much better.
  11. Who did they have the Sabres taking instead in the Athletic piece?
  12. I seem to recall that.
  13. I'm right there with you. They need to try this.
  14. I definitely remember him playing with a broken jaw.
  15. Yeah, that really didn't seem like a joke, to me, or, apparently, to anyone else here. Happy to have a drink with you in July if you'd like.
  16. I might. Who knows whom the defendants will hire!
  17. As to the bolded, what in the world are you talking about? This doesn't happen in the US. Antifa isn't even a presence here. It's barely even a presence anywhere. As to your second sentence, all I asked was a question. What would you propose, since you're against federal legislation, and the states cannot do this at their borders? And on edit, I'm going to add: We're not going to deal with fake news here. Either substantiate your first sentence with real, mainstream media (Fox and WSJ are ok, Alex Jones is not) or your comment and my reply will be deleted. I want to see reliable reports that "Antifa" is conducting state border searches using the buzzwords "bigot, racist, fascist, and homophobe." You dig?
  18. Ok, so, because we do not and cannot have border checks at state lines, what would you propose?
  19. If the bartender at Pour Man's knows you tip well, the wine goes into a beer cup and it's definitely more than 6 oz. If you're a crappy tipper, well, maybe you get the smaller cup. I have experience in this field.
  20. I started a lockout thread for you all ....
  21. I think I'm in love with him.
  22. Mike Rodak will be the ESPN beat reporter for the Bills no longer. Those of you who don't like him can rejoice. Mike Rodak‏Verified account @mikerodak FollowFollow @mikerodak More Please join me in welcoming @Marcel_LJ as ESPN’s next Bills reporter, beginning in July. After six enjoyable seasons in Buffalo, my wife and I decided last year to move to Birmingham this summer as she transitions from her medical residency at @UBuffalo to practice.
  23. Precedent is established when a court issues a ruling, and not through the enactment of laws or promulgation of regulations. And, of course, the only precedent binding on SCOTUS, if binding even is the right word, are its own prior rulings.
  24. Your opinion on this topic has evolved a great deal. I think that’s admirable.
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