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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Before anyone even thinks about suggesting it: NO.
  2. Interesting. Tonight would be a great opportunity to try that with Reinhart.
  3. Skinner and Okposo, for me. Okposo can hide some of Mittelstadt's defensive shortcomings.
  4. Um, twins? Win Smut!
  5. Qu'est-ce c'est?
  6. The meal on the flight back sounds really interesting.
  7. So I can't really have too much caffeine (this will surprise no one, I'm sure) and I've been looking for a winter beverage for a long time. I've found it. Chicory. Not coffee with chicory added (that would have caffeine), just brewed chicory. It is fantastic.
  8. 6 out of 10? (Language NSFW...)
  9. See, now THAT's a meme.
  10. Send him to Aud Smell. I'm on sabbatical.
  11. You mean you lied to me that night?
  12. Even if that much text explained it---AND IT DOESN'T--that would indicate why the shitpost in question is poor communication rather than some apt meme.
  13. Yeah, you nailed it. I get the angry women on the left; I have no idea what the cat on the right is supposed to represent. It's just a cat. And all cats are *****; is the message that Botterill is *****?
  14. I'm not sure that's right (but I'm also not sure that's wrong). There have been players who insisted they were healthy, but the team insisted they weren't. LaFontaine comes to mind IIRC. (I know, that's forever ago, and probably not relevant to the current rules.)
  15. Are they heated at New Era? I'm not sure they are.
  16. Then we have to get together soon, because I'm spending an awful lot of time in EA these days.
  17. Attending.
  18. My flights to/from Europe in 2018 did not have meals. Granted, out of YYZ (and back), each flight was only five hours, but I would think that is a sufficiently long flight that they would serve something.
  19. I did. They still have their political views, of course, but they tend not to be beholden to the president who appointed them. Any conservative is going to be against DACA. But I also think that any conservative is going to guard against the expansion of presidential power---no matter who the president is. And yes, that is what McConnell did and shame on the Democrats for putting in the mechanism that let him get away with it. Short-sighted thinking.
  20. And I've screwed it up--It's Bar Bill and not Bill Bar, isn't it? Sorry. That's what they get for not ever having enough room for me!
  21. 1. WAS excellent. I'm not being a jerk here. I love the Gate. (It's "the Gate," and not "Gabriel's," and has been since I was a teenager.) It was a second home during a certain period of my life. But the quality is way way off. 2. I believe that Bill Bar either opened last weekend or is opening this weekend in Clarence. As above, if the wait times in EA are any indication, the wings must be amazing.
  22. I have a Tuesday night class now which basically is sucking my will to live.
  23. Freejame! Nevermind jame; free yourself from your bonds! Embrace Seinfeld!
  24. Whoa. What's going on there? Is DeLuca ok?
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