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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Same response as before. Maybe there won't be any Sabres. Maybe we'll all be dead. Or maybe there will be a wonderful celebration. We don't know and it doesn't really matter.
  2. I don't know and it really doesn't matter.
  3. Yeah I got you.
  4. No, because they aren't as authentic as they might seem: https://www.customthrowbackjerseys.com/buffalo-sabres-1990s-away-ccm-throwback-jersey-customized-any-name-number-s/ There really wasn't a way for the team to handle this one, unless the players had their old sweaters.
  5. Why you do this?
  6. Maybe not. They certainly didn't bring them to the ceremony if they did.
  7. Ray sounded like Ricky from TPB just then.
  8. But Casey's almost as good as Jack, right? For the same reason they're calling up Johansson and letting him enjoy the view. There is no plan.
  9. Also, would someone get @deluca67 out of his self-imposed exile already? If I'm going to be this angry with the team, I want him with me.
  10. The man could not control a rebound to save his life.
  11. The man had no connection to Columbus or to ice hockey. That's just so stupid.
  12. Keep playing him. He's not learning anything on the bench and Hutton is not going to get any better. And it's statistically more likely that we'd see that performance out of Hutton, anyway.
  13. Works for me, assuming that people showed up with the right authentic sweaters in close enough sizes.
  14. I couldn't do it during the tank year until the Sabres were mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, but I am seriously considering rooting for losses until personnel changes are made.
  15. Oh. Maybe. I don't know.
  16. This is the one thing I can't fault the team on. No one makes authentic goatheads any more and no one has for some time, is what I've heard, so the team was forced to go that route or not have any goatheads at all.
  17. He has 14 million reasons not to do that.
  18. I think it did--and I'm not sure I have a problem with it. Maybe don't give Okposo the Disney princess category, but for the little girl, well, what kind of world is she getting to know if she is rewarded for losing? (Sabre world!) Of course, a smarter approach would be to let the Kid of the Day automatically have those dressing room passes (which cost the team nothing) and have the Kid of the Day play the contest to win a mini-stick or a puck or something.
  19. This may be a fair assessment. All emojis are trash, except for the poop emoji.
  20. I remember this logic being soundly rejected by this board eight years ago. What have you all wrought? There is a curse upon us now.
  21. This man has no reason to be charitable to us, to the team, or to Kerry and Tim. Yet... https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/buffalo-sabres-fans-ready-snap-cant-blame/
  22. This movie is in my top five. It should be mandatory in history classes.
  23. Lindy Ruff encouraging Luke Adam.
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