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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Ovechkin's shot sounds very similar to the shot in the second video to me, but I'm not an audio engineer and probably don't have ears like yours.
  2. I was one of them. He was fine.
  3. I am sitting in a classroom in a seminary, and the professor has asked us to space ourselves throughout the room so that if one person is sick, we have an appropriate social distance. Holy water has been removed from the chapel and replaced by hand sanitizer; we no longer consume from the chalice at Mass. Apparently we will not be saved by Psalm 91.
  4. Interesting. I'm in a class right now but I will try to dig into it. I can say for certain that no state can ban people coming in from any other state.
  5. Sending PM.
  6. Don't we suspect that they were killing people and burning them? I've seen graphs of NO2 levels and stuff.
  7. Check out @MODO Hockey on twitter for an explanation that is unwelcome here.
  8. That is exactly what got me started.
  9. I just spent about an hour listening to the radio in the car and learning some things--from Schopp of all people. I'm starting to take this a little more seriously than I did a month ago; still not in panic mode though. Anyone know why we don't have test kits in the US like they do in South Korea? Especially since we had more of a head start?
  10. What happens to the meetup game? (I can't find that thread.)
  11. Several conferences just canceled their basketball tournaments. The president is not who I was referring to, and it is not BS.
  12. Rome reported not ten minutes ago that the NHL had not yet come to a decision.
  13. The president is not who I was referring to.
  14. Wuhan virus. If we have Lyme disease, Ebola, Zika, and German measles (all named after places), China can own this one; it is not racist.
  15. I'm sorry, man, I'm just not seeing anything amazing there. Well, his son's laughter is pretty amazing. And the dog.
  16. I read somewhere that it was a hoax, and now the NBA has suspended its season and the NHL may do the same. If the NHL does suspend the season, what happens to the draft? Do we see an equally-weighted lottery like the Crosby year? (I bet no. There's no incentive for the NHL to get a star to Pittsburgh and there is every incentive for the NHL to help Detroit.)
  17. I don't see what you're seeing, I guess? Just a guy putting slapshots into an open net?
  18. "Papas" isn't the word for "potatoes" in Spain. "Patatas" is. So if you ask for "papas," you immediately betray yourself as a New Worlder. Just like French, English, and any other international Euro language, there are different words for things on different sides of the pond. Brazilian Portugese is another example.
  19. This just sux. I hope you are able to get a refund and that you are able to make a different father-son moment.
  20. Oh, it sounds worse to the French! They just won't admit it because of their 1000+ year war against English. But it is an abomination to them. Also, I explained to a friend from Colombia yesterday why "papas fritas" doesn't fly in Spain. He was astonished. Just how language works.
  21. Definitely not. He can't afford to make enemies around the league right now.
  22. Sometimes I go too far.
  23. I don't. I have a problem with the implicit conclusion you are proposing from those facts. Let's not pretend that you decided to post about Deslauriers's uncharacteristically great first period yesterday, added a phrase about Reinhart, and didn't intend to implicitly connect the two. We're both smarter than that. Heck, even Rob Ray is smarter than that.
  24. It is the implicit conclusion that you are proposing from those facts that is the problem.
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