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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I'd sub in the Senators for the Leaves. The Leaves are and have been irrelevant since I was born.
  2. He can opt out later under certain circumstances, but for now, he's a Bill!* *assuming they play.
  3. Kim Pegula runs a Mexican restaurant now?
  4. OK I need to know more about this. Most specifically, are the soft tortillas corn or flour? Flour is like putting ranch on wings.
  5. You forgot Gerbe. Which would take care of the center situation.
  6. I don't know what that is. Is it a flu cure? EDIT: I've read up a bit. Nice!
  7. We vaccinate against the flu, but treatment? Not that I'm aware of. It's rest, hydrate, and take something to reduce fever.
  8. It's ok as long as it's not a right-wing point of view that we're eliminating.
  9. I swam in a lagoon in Iceland a couple of years ago. The lagoon was around 90 degrees F. It is naturally geothermically heated. The air was around 45 or 50 F. It was pretty amazing.
  10. Where was the international outrage when it was Boychuk and more obviously deliberate?
  11. Why did you mention the chicken Caesar salads? Why did you mention the sides? No one else had done so.
  12. HCQ is being pushed by one game show host / politician and so this belongs in the politics thread, right?
  13. It's almost as if they shouldn't have fired a certain coach. Yes, I am doing it again.
  14. Robin Lehner wouldn't have needed to. As you wrote, Sheary missed the net.
  15. I am irrationally angry about this.
  16. He's always been a couple of seconds behind what we are seeing at home. Usually because he's talking about how some player grew up with a part-time job at Kohl's or whatever. "Here comes Jones, over the blue line. Here's a kid who worked through midget hockey by delivering newspapers and had great grades in high scho.... AND THE FLYERS SCORE!"
  17. Let's please not have another putsch.
  18. How is Chicago doing this?
  19. I just had a half-dozen at Thirsty Buffalo. They have a "trufflalo" sauce, which basically is your normal Buffalo medium with a little mushroom flavor thrown in. It was amazing. The nuttiness of the mushrooms combined with the medium sauce just worked. I don't know how It worked, but it did.
  20. Now imagine that you're feeding two people. And no one had mentioned sides or drinks, except for you. A salad for each with grilled chicken? $12.50. Two whoppers? $5. Do you get it yet? Not everyone has the money that you have. Great. There still are people without reach of supermarkets.
  21. Until you taste the roll that the whopper is on. Loaded with sugar. Also, check out "food desert." As is said above, plenty of people do not have access to fresh produce, and those who do know that it is much more expensive than a couple of whoppers.
  22. I don't have a lot of extra cash right now, but I had to splurge on the tuna tartare from Left Bank this evening. It is sublime. ?! Be careful!
  23. Do not expect a normal NFL season, if there is one at all. Same place you'd take a man's jersey.
  24. At least one of the St. Louis Cardinals has tested positive, and their game tonight is postponed. Here's the problem: MLB doesn't require its players to self-quarantine in hotels. Even though Erie County will require teams to do that, they're already going to be traveling here with the virus. The additional publicity that Sahlen's will get from being nationally televised approximately twice (it's not like the Blue Jays get a lot of play on ESPN, is it?) isn't worth it. The restaurants that might be catering also might be forced to shut down if we have another wave. Again, not worth it. The two hotels involved will put employees at risk. Not worth it. Time to pull the plug on this.
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