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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I think he will be elected again, too. And I was right the first time--before the primaries even had concluded. I think the idea is that things need to get worse before they get better. I'm not in agreement with that part.
  2. I'm surprised that it took this long for the Bucks and Brewers to step up. (Actually, maybe they didn't have games the last couple of days, although that would be weird for a baseball team.)
  3. Apparently the Jets backups defeated the starters in a scrimmage today. 27-0.
  4. No, just for player selection. And am I ever a dummy. I read it as "League's Combined Testing Policy" and thought they had misreported COVID results in the bubble or something. I'm just now figuring out what this is for.
  5. Wow. That is one hefty penalty.
  6. Josh Gorges comes to mind. And he refused to go to Toronto. That was summer 2014, in the absolute nadir of Sabres hockey.
  7. It has been deleted. @Brawndo, what was it?
  8. Eleven


  9. Eleven


    Remind me when Christmas approaches...
  10. Eleven


    I would have enlisted you, but you're evil.
  11. Eleven


    FFS. They weren't even supposed to be fried. Dismissed. We will need another sandwich-person. @Marvin, Sabres Fan can you find Arthur? He was pretty good with sandwiches.
  12. Eleven


    Good job. Now, you do have a task. You have to update us with scores tomorrow. @Marvin, Sabres Fan has been added to the Task Force; the job is to receive scores from you and transmit them to us. Marvin, you are NOT to report to base. Stay where you are and @Gabrielor will provide you with instructions.
  13. Eleven


    Good. Get ready to mount up tomorrow. We shall save weave!
  14. I loved the Tampa win (hurts my bracket), but, please, let's all think of @weave at this moment (see my thread).
  15. That, I do avoid.
  16. Eleven


    The dress and razor already are on their way. Shave well, my man, for we do this for weave. Oh--the wig is at your own expense. Sorry.
  17. Eleven


    We'll get you out of there, man. Tomorrow. 10pm. We're not the A-Team, but we're the Sabres equivalent. So more like D-team. Or F-Troop.
  18. Quite the opposite; I hope you are correct.
  19. Eleven


    I received a text message tonight from an unknown number. It said "This is [weave's real name]. New phone number. [redacted]" I received the message at precisely 7:25 left in the Bruins-Rays game. I immediately asked who this person was and what the person had done with [weave's real name]. The response was unintelligible. Someone KNEW that we would be watching that game, and not watching weave, at precisely 7:25 left in the second. Now, I know weave, and I know he can be unintelligible at times, but this raised my nerves a bit. I have concluded that either (1) something nefarious has happened to weave or (2) a Kazhakstani spy has taken over his persona. It is possible that weave is just really that wasted, but no, my experience says no. Accordingly, I want to gather a Special SabreSpace Task Force to look for weave. We will gather on the northernmost point of the shore of Lake Geneva tomorrow at 10 pm. It is best to operate under cover of darkness. I want the following people to perform the following roles, and nothing other than these roles, on the Task Force: @WildCard You are going to deal with sewers and vermin. This should have been obvious before you volunteered, which you didn't. @New Scotland (NS) You live in some sort of Narnia land near Canada, but like a Narnia that is all Sunnyvale Trailer Park. Stand by. You can't get to the location by tomorrow. But you're pretty religious, so pray for @Weave @shrader You also can't get here in time. I want you to monitor all homeowner associations in your area. @spndnchz You need to cut your hair, disguise yourself like @LGR4GM and make sure that the entire operation is politically correct. @LGR4GM You need to disguise yourself like @spndnchz and infiltrate the enemy headquarters. @inkman will give you sufficient lubrication from his factory. @Ogre We need you there just to be threatening. No, @inkman, not this time. We need to be quiet and discreet. @nfreeman will moderate the entire operation and make sure that no one says a cross word about, well, You Know Who. @PASabreFan we need you to make bologna and cheese sandwiches and deliver them to the front. If you are too old and frail, we will dispatch @Brawndo to get them and deliver. With a name like that, I think he can smuggle sandwiches across state lines. Most critically, @Thorny will make sure that @Ducky stays away. He pretends to be a Jets fan, which makes him a prime suspect. I will commandeer the operation and also be the official pedant. This is important. Level 3 important. (Sorry, @Weave, you're just not DEFCON 2 yet.) Our codename will be @Wilbur EDIT: Sorry, @That Aud Smell, but you're drunk.
  20. I just put it on. Anything of significance other than the goal?
  21. The Conor Shearys of the world aren't tough to find.
  22. Everything I'm reading says so.
  23. They also sent another 3d/4th line winger and a fairly good prospect. I hope this isn't a market-setting trade.
  24. Ugh. Hang in there and let me know what you need.
  25. Now people who had the virus and got over it are becoming re-infected. Sorry in advance for the Forbes link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/08/25/two-more-people-were-reinfected-with-coronavirus-after-recovering-from-first-case-virologists-say/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark#44b5134016b4
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