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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. He's earned a little bit of a reputation in these playoffs. There was a slew-foot in one of the Dallas games (no suspension) and I think there was some stuff in one of the earlier series, too.
  2. That's how I had read it.
  3. No. They ruined my childhood. I repeat, let's just get this over with asap. Tampa v. Dallas and someone wins in 4. I'm not even watching the 2OT because it's late.
  4. I have a problem with the name "Nuggets."
  5. Sure. You also could be assigned to assassinate an African dictator on his yacht and decline--at the last minute--to do so. As a result, you are shot in the back five times and float nearly to your death in the Atlantic. An Italian fishing boat might pick you up and deliver you to a train station where you can get to Switzerland. In Zurich, you discover a safe deposit box with lots of currency from many countries, various contact lenses, about ten different passports, and a gun. Later, you meet a cute redhead who is willing to drive you to Paris for $20K. Or, Botterill sucked.
  6. So does blood, every time I pound a steak.
  7. Can I unwind you? Someone please unbind Chewbacca. I hope we don't need to send a droid to some remote planet for this. @DarthEbriate, can you help? This is as Star Wars as I can get. I'm almost sick already.
  8. Oh, that, we agree on. It's the referee discretion part that changed coming out of the lockout, I think. I still think it was always a rule, but enforced at discretion. Similar to how one punch might be roughing, or it might be nothing.
  9. MOD FIGHT!!!!!
  10. He sucked. The writing was on the wall three weeks before he was fired when the Pegulas said his job status was all good. That means "fired" across all sports, even across the ocean. He was fired because he sucked. In other words, he was not good at his job. There is no need for further inquiry or speculation.
  11. How--wait. How ? I can't do this. Hang on a second. How did this reasonable trade proposal that didn't involve like Tage Thompson for Cirelli straight up COME FROM YOU? I did it.
  12. I don't mind it one bit. It's better than ref's discretion. It's the provenance of the rule that is in question now.
  13. I think it's one of the major reasons why referee discretion was taken out of the evaluation. If it's over the glass, it's over the glass. No more "well, he didn't mean it, he's a Penguin!" nonsense.
  14. I had the same problem. I couldn't remember any instance where Dahlin was lying unconscious in a pool of his own blood. I really thought I had missed something. If this is what @sabremike is referencing, I'd like to know which of Olofsson, Reinhart, Eichel, and/or Skinner he expected to ruin a power play and run the guy who hit Dahlin. Arguably it's Jack's job; it would have been very stupid in this context.
  15. Are you certain? Could be a case of false memory, but I would swear that there were delay of game penalties for putting the puck over the glass in the 80s. My book is older than the lockout, so if you're correct, it's not going to help. And I can't find it anyway.
  16. It didn't. The rule is older than that. The thing that changed was the league took away the referees' discretion because they were screwing up.
  17. Somewhere around here, I've got a book that explains the history behind a lot of NHL rules. I want to find it and check on this, because I don't think this rule was motivated by fan protection concerns.
  18. Anyway. Any news on the injured linebackers?
  19. Here's a local man who wins shoe repair competitions. Not a sport. https://www.wgrz.com/article/entertainment/television/programs/daybreak/elmwood-village-cobbler-makes-a-name-for-himself-in-shoe-repair-competitions/71-671c43a3-8a89-4d32-9b1e-ca1aad4279b4
  20. This is true. That's great. It's still not a sport.
  21. Dog racing is a sport. Dog fighting is disgusting.
  22. Maybe by you? I've never heard that. Darts is a sport. Billiards is a sport. Chess is a game. A complex game, to be sure, but a game.
  23. Curling involves aim, for one thing. Like archery or shooting.
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