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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Meanwhile I want to know why a tie is a loss.
  2. That call on Kroft may have been the worst I ever have seen. Sure, there was the non-call in the Saints-Rams game, but that was a non-call. Pass interference? And on top of that, an interception? It was just the worst ever.
  3. If you didn't see the refs trying to screw the Bills on that nice Kroft catch, that's on you. Vegas played a role. Hi, @SwampD you are correct, and hi @nfreeman you are not.
  4. The Rams didn't get to their hotel until after 7pm last night. Typically, teams arrive at the field around 9am from what I understand. Factor in time to eat, wind down before bed, time to get their stuff together and load up the busses, and the 30 minute drive from downtown to OP, and it's looking to me like most of these guys didn't sleep eight hours last night.
  5. Eleven

    So #8

    Rossi is the only one of these candidates who inspires me at all.
  6. What does it mean?
  7. Eleven

    So #8

    Please tell your source that Rossi won't be there, that a bunch of Just Another Guys will be there, and encourage your source to trade the pick. Signed, everyone not named Liger.
  8. I do.
  9. People who pulled a "yawn" on the Staal trade, this is what you really were looking for.
  10. Eleven

    So #8

    You've got it backwards. I want them to trade the pick because these I think these guys are JAGs. If I thought they were worthwhile, I wouldn't want them to trade the pick.
  11. It's just part of seasonal allergies. Happens every year. My opthalmologist (I don't know how to spell that and I'm not looking it up) is aware of it and all that.
  12. Rachels are grilled and have Russian dressing.
  13. Chalazion. Pain.
  14. Eleven

    So #8

    These guys are all going to be JAGs.
  15. I watched; I just didn't post.
  16. Eleven

    So #8

    Trade it.
  17. Cole slaw is underrated as a sandwich topping. Cole slaw can transform an ordinary turkey and Swiss sandwich into something extraordinary.
  18. https://www.tsn.ca/dylan-cozens-takes-aim-at-wjc-repeat-buffalo-sabres-roster-spot-and-a-moose-1.1526898
  19. https://www.tsn.ca/dylan-cozens-takes-aim-at-wjc-repeat-buffalo-sabres-roster-spot-and-a-moose-1.1526898
  20. Don't drink the bleach. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/19/bleach-miracle-cure-amazon-covid
  21. I think that means "hemorrhoid" in English.
  22. I don't have vendettas against you or anyone else. I will point out that you always see the bottom side of the coin. Always.
  23. Let's just hope they spell it correctly on his sweater.
  24. That is the best episode.
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