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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I'm open but not creative. Send me a proposal.
  2. And the missing call on almost killing JA on second down right after the third quarter started. It was freaking clear that the "shield" wanted that game to become closer. I would love to see this from your side.
  3. The refs tried so hard in the third quarter, too. I almost feel bad for them.
  4. I'm not Wookie, obviously, but "court packing" refers to expanding the Supreme Court to more than 9 members in order to get a majority of one's political party in. The president who is most famous for trying to do it was FDR. It failed. I'm against court packing. I'm also against the BS that McConnell pulled with Garland in 2016. You have misread the last eight years. He started with hatred in 2012 and he continues hatred now.
  5. As much as I think this is, like you say, a graceful solution, and as much as I want her out of any sort of powerful position, I just don't think she'd accept. She is as power-hungry as Trump. Maybe not motivated by the same set of insecurities, but she is one power-hungry woman. Witness what she did in 2018 to get her chair back. It is a brilliant freaking idea, though. I love it.
  6. Biden isn't even a boomer. He's a member of the so-called "Silent Generation." And yet we get him and a guy who is at the very oldest end of the boomers as our choices.
  7. I agree with you, but I want to cover my rear. Also, Pelosi (yesterday I think) has asked her colleagues to vote for her as Speaker again. Do they not realize that now is the time to replace her?
  8. You are correct. I will revise: I'd bet money that we never see a Gen X president of the United States who attains that office via election.
  9. I'd bet money that we never see a Gen X president of the United States.
  10. For now. We're working on sending him there. Only question is whether it's to be in 2 months or 50 months.
  11. Yes. I sent Scott a screenshot. Looks like it's fixed now.
  12. We're going to have a fun reprise tonight....
  13. I know so many of his friends, the ones mentioned in the article. I didn't know your dad. I'm sorry, my man. Keep your chin up if you can, and if you can't, I'm a message away.
  14. It's that you live in Manitoba that is wrong. You'll straighten it out someday. BTW What is a Manitoba?
  15. Unfortunately, you are right on. I can't believe that they couldn't improve the position in this market, but apparently Dustin and some dude who is 20 from the freaking SEL or whatever (Liger don't you dare correct me after shutting down a thread because I posted a Seinfeld clip) is enough.
  16. Oh, for crying out loud. Can the Sabres get a real goalie? Please? This team has a history, maybe even a legendary history, of great goaltending, and they've got Dustin from the Charlotte Checkers now?
  17. The same divide exists everywhere and has for about forever. It's less than 100 years since Europe had serfs. (Source: https://www.amazon.com/Russia-1000-Year-Chronicle-Wild-East/dp/1468305018 ; see also Bertolt Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle). Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if some nations that consider themselves to be European still have them. Whether rural people vote in their own best interests, or in the best interests of their descendants, is another question. They purposely are left uneducated and in fear that their meager economy will disappear if the group that actually wants to help them wins. This is not new, nor is it particularly American (the sources I posted above are Eurasian). Collin Peterson (D-MN) was defeated last night. Now, I am not sorry to see a Boomer who spent WAY TOO LONG (30 years) in Congress go, but the fact is, he was the chair of the Congressional Ag Committee for a long time. Goodbye to that voice; he's been replaced by another career politician, who may as well be a Boomer (1965) and who has no command whatsoever of the international issues that matter to her district and who won't chair anything. She'll screw up the farmers, all right. Peterson wasn't even a true Dem; he was DFL (Democrat-Farm-Labor), which is a Minnesota-only thing as far as I know.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Szczechura Anyone who has read James's story knows this is true. Thank you.
  19. I have no idea what time it is in "real time," but I've been awake for three four hours. That's enough time to be shipwrecked on Gilligan's Island.
  20. I've watched The Great Train Robbery about 100 times, the last time, last week. I just might have to tonight. It was his best role by far.
  21. I've got a collection of the works of Bruce Shanks around here somewhere. He was as brilliant as Toles. And, frankly, Zyglis is, too.
  22. Knox won't be able to drop as many balls.
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