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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. This is perfect. "Disputing" the election is like "disputing" that the Earth is round.
  2. Nice non-answer. So you were referring to the fraud hypothesis and can't come up with anything else. As suspected. And I did assess you correctly, didn't I? The reason I'm not calling anyone else part of the problem is that no one else is positing that there's a genuine dispute, except possibly LTS, to whom I replied.
  3. I don't like the pick and I won't unless and until he cracks the top six, but that is an encouraging interview.
  4. So, then, to what were you referring?
  5. It is wrong. It is *absolutely* wrong to foment doubt over the propriety of this election, even under the guise of some possibility that is so remote that it is unthinkable. It's more likely that Joe Biden will die of natural causes prior to Jan. 20th than it is that the results will be overturned because of some sort of election impropriety, but I doubt that's why 0311 is only "pretty sure" Biden will be inaugurated. And it is harmful. Because people who say they are "pretty sure" Trump lost enable his Quixoticity, we are not having the orderly transition that we need. We're in the middle of a pandemic. People are going to die because of Trump's willful neglect, and I have no problem assigning some level of responsibility for that to the people who embolden him.
  6. It is wrong. It is encouraging him in his refusal to engage in an orderly transfer of power. 70 million + voted for him, and the vast, VAST majority of them are not "pretty sure" that he lost. They're just plain sure.
  7. I also could be hit with a nuclear warhead by the time I finish typing this. Oh, wait, I wasn't.
  8. I didn't come at you or fire any shots. You're doing the damage on your own, and I'm just pointing it out. People who are casting doubt on the election are the problem, not the president-elect, and by stating you are "pretty sure," you are signaling that you are one of those people. You are harming America.
  9. He won't be a unifier because people like you are "pretty sure" he won the election. You are the problem, not Biden.
  10. I don't disagree. Be careful.
  11. The ritual scene alone establishes Mr. Uncola as the greatest Bond henchman of all time. That's before we consider Mr. Big's office, the restaurant, or the train. EDIT: Frankly, through this Sabrespace Bond journey, I'm coming to the conclusion that Live and Let Die had the best script and best theme song. Yes, Carly Simon was and is wonderful, but Angela Lansbury's recording of Live and Let Die is freaking legendary. And that script was as true to the novel as Casino Royale and Dr. No were, and it was a better movie despite an inferior Bond actor.
  12. You are underrating Live and Let Die AGAIN.
  13. Best quote of any of the movies, IMO.
  14. Let WHAT play out? It's over. CBS reporting that Lindsey Graham wanted Georgia to throw out ballots: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-election-brad-raffensperger-lindsey-graham-throw-out-ballots/ This is non-partisan CBS. Not CNN and not MSNBC. Does CBS make mistakes? Sure, everyone does. But I'll take this to the bank.
  15. And now you ruined it.
  16. Jane Seymour may not have been the most "Bond woman" of Bond women, but she easily is the prettiest.
  17. I feel like Yaphet Kotto would like a word here. Although it's tough to displace any of those three. I think triple-nipple is the one I'd kick off the island for Mr. Big.
  18. I think you misspelled "death."
  20. Drago was in the fourth. However you'd like.
  21. Not sure I know that one.
  22. EXCELLENT question!
  23. There is a highly scientific poll at the top that says otherwise.
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