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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Erie County now has the rapid test--one hour for a result. (716) 858-2929. Time slots fill up very quickly so if you need a test, call at precisely 8am when the phone line opens.
  2. I have no doubt that we will be shut down like we were in March. Ok, doctors, here's a question. We shut down for six or eight weeks or something, and then we opened back up with a lot of restrictions. We did just fine under the restrictions for a considerable period of time, and now we need the restrictions again. What actually changed to cause the rise in cases? We were observing the restrictions. If they worked in June, July, August, September, why didn't they work in October and November? There is only one material difference that I can think of: the weather. Seems to me that viruses affect more people in colder weather. I do not offer this as scientific fact; it is just my experience. If that is the case, should we just be riding out the weather rather than shutting down again? I.e., are we actually gaining anything by shutting down? Not a rhetorical question.
  3. Not until today. I don't mean the sidebar on the front page; this is on the topics page and some of the thread pages.
  4. Wash with Noxzema. More seriously, there is this annoying sidebar on desktop. Right-hand side. Mac, Safari.
  5. Went with the top six according to some website. Thriller of course is #1, and Madonna must not have been in the top six.
  6. Was it good?
  7. This is good advice. I'd rather be completely broke and have her back at my side again.
  8. My most recent girlfriend wore it well.
  9. That's the problem They wake up at like 5am and run around the roof like monsters!
  10. I've got a whole family of them living on my roof. So irritating, yet so cute.
  11. We avoided Orange because of YOU. Geez.
  12. I love yellow. It is my favorite color to look at, but I don't wear it well. I look great in blue.
  13. I'm not the one having trouble accepting reality, which is that Biden won the election.
  14. You are welcome to discuss other colors.
  15. Most of them have been ruled upon. (See LTS's link.) The ones that haven't, it's just a matter of time. That doesn't make them genuine, it just means that it hasn't happened yet. Just like the Earth always was round, but it took time to establish it as fact. I will stand by my assertion that people who are fomenting division by claiming the election was illegitimate are harming the country.
  16. http://ksd.uscourts.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Summary-Judgment-Guidelines.pdf Also, the link you provided demonstrates that none of this is genuine.
  17. Your paragraphs above evolve from uncertainty to certainty. The point is not whether Biden has been inaugurated yet, or whether the Electoral College has "met" and cast its votes. The point is whether there is a genuine dispute as to the validity of the election, and there absolutely is not. People who are sowing doubt over the validity of the election are harming America.
  18. Green.
  19. Seen on reddit:
  20. New thread started. Yes I am quarantining and yes I am bored nearly to death.
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