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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Eleven

    Name your 8

    Get that little rat Bergeron behind the Quebec bench and I'll be good with this.
  2. Eleven

    Name your 8

    Boston, Phila., Montreal, Ottawa, I guess that's only a five team division, but three of those are the teams I hate and you really can't have a Sabres division without Montreal.
  3. Go back to sleep.
  4. Thanks @SDS
  5. Where did your thread go? (Reporting your comment so someone might look into it.)
  6. ·Reneud Lavoie: 18h It’s a go ! The NHL received officially the green light from the Federal government and the 5 provinces (with NHL teams on their territories) to start the season January 13.
  7. Programs like Dave Ramsey's don't consider mortgages to be "consumer debt" for the purpose of the program because shelter is a necessity, and you're going to pay for it one way or the other. New or new-ish cars, to go back to your earlier example, are not necessities. Actually, depending on where you live, cars in general might not be necessities.
  8. True. But you can instantly tell that Wade is British the moment "turtle" escapes his lips.
  9. On top of it, it's blatantly incorrect. The state officials are trying to arrange some level of attendance at the Bills' first playoff game while the county officials are fighting that. No politics were mentioned in this comment.
  10. How does that work? Is there cross-breeding involved? Like, would future kids be super-immune?
  11. What if the gift cards are for Applebees? You're going to have a ton of mozzarella sticks and no game. You could play mozzarella stick Jenga, maybe, but I don't think that's what you're aiming for. I'm not exactly a gamer, but I did read somewhere (not necessarily a reliable source) that there were death threats? Seems kind of unfair to you gamers; some idiots pushed them to take it out of the oven before it was cooked.
  12. Not gonna happen, my man. Next week.
  13. Well that takes the pressure off. I'll do a New Year poem instead.
  14. He's in Texas. There are no protocols.
  15. It's an explorer with a fur hat writing in his journal, duh.
  16. What's wrong with Eklund? (Kidding.) Nice user name.
  17. It gets pinned every year for easy reference.
  18. Thank you again @Brawndo!
  19. I'm not going to ask. Hopefully the wife is happy.
  20. You lost a lot of weight during chemo, man. Glad you survived it!
  21. Except the article strongly implies that it's to protect the regional networks. If you live in Buffalo, MSG wants you to pay (through your cable/satellite provider) for its broadcast. That's what is being protected.
  22. Thank you. I was just about to make a "Gary, where is the schedule?" post.
  23. 2 seed.
  24. It doesn't seem to be working here, at least. Or in a few European countries. I'm still inclined to think that the rise is due to colder weather, not to people socializing. We aren't socializing. Not here. I just don't think it's working. I'm not going out to protest or anything; like I said above, I'll just follow the rules. Why not?
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