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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. gotcha
  2. When you've won so many championships that you can't remember which trophy is which: https://www.tmz.com/2021/02/04/serena-williams-trophy-room-miami-mansion-trash-video/
  3. Are you kidding or do you just mean recently? You're underrating Goff, dawg.
  4. I'll say this much: Some of you are really changing the way I view Jeff Skinner.
  5. I'm neither angry nor suggesting that you said that. Just clarifying.
  6. Absent some special circumstance, no. That person probably should be vaccinated in late spring or early summer. But that doesn't mean that athletes should be "jumping the line" and getting the vaccine now.
  7. If one considers the tank as a single decision, then yeah, that's the winner by a mile. I'm not sure I do. I'm not sure I don't, either.
  8. Count me among these people, I suppose. If you believe he is Donald Audette, then yes, the contract itself was the mistake.
  9. The poor decision is his usage, not the contract, though.
  10. I don't know about that. There were people who insisted the team would get better without Ruff.
  11. It's always going to be the O'Reilly trade.
  12. I respect you way too much to react to this post. Let's revisit what I wrote tomorrow or Friday or whenever. This wasn't my point. I also want to reiterate (this isn't directed to you, Swamp), that this is a global crisis that requires a global solution. Inoculating Americans "first" isn't going to do a thing because borders will eventually reopen, and, again, we aren't any more important than anyone else.
  13. Is that what I said above? About parents with children in long-term care? Let's be intellectually honest, please.
  14. Arguments can be made for those who take care of our food supply, those who take care of children and the infirm, those who go into houses to repair your AC or to restore the blessed cable box on which you watch hockey, those who tend to the needy, those who deal with criminals (no that's not what I do), veterinarians, haircutters, the criminals who are incarcerated themselves, those who go live for news, those who govern, those who do just about ANYTHING freaking else but entertain. I'll put myself at the bottom of the list. EDIT: There are many excellent re-runs available for free on Pluto or whatever, and most North American libraries have electronic loans, for those truly starved for entertainment. For me, I'd rather have the vulnerable inoculated so that I can have society. More important than entertainment.
  15. Great. I'm 49 and I have my own conditions too. We're American Heroes (TM)!
  16. That's how I felt about the shutdown (if you might recall, I was and am against it) and I get where you're coming from. I just don't agree with your prioritization of the shot.
  17. Yes, it is. We all are people. You and I are not more or less important than anyone else just because we're American.
  18. Sure (but what do they smoke?). And drinkers. And people who are fat. And people who eat smoked meats three times per week. And people who have unprotected sex with strangers. And people who don't eat enough. Oh--the people who drink seven cups of coffee per day, moving up their heart rate! Let's get them in there. Can you list with priorities? Per the post you responded to, they'll have every public school employee vaccinated within six weeks. How's Georgia doing, "dawg"?
  19. I'm just going to add: It's 8 billion (ok, 7.7 billion if you're being finicky) and not 329 million. This world is bigger than the US. You (whoever is reading this) and I (me) are no more important than some man in Montevideo (most awesome capital name ever) or some woman in Kathmandu (second most awesome).
  20. Lay's has a special Super Bowl chip out right now. It's called "Game Day Chili." It might taste like what I used to feel after a Bills game like 20 years ago, but it does not, I repeat, NOT, taste like chili. Or anything else one would want to eat.
  21. Detroit is down 3-0 to Tuberculosis and it is just the beginning of the second.
  22. Neither of these is incorrect, but neither militates in favor of prioritizing athletes, either. The amount of doses needed is exceedingly small, but so is the number of doses available. We have 8 billion people to inoculate. And yes, the profession is high risk (for a number of reasons, not just COVID), but there are so many other jobs out there that are equally high risk, but more essential, starting with what you eat and how it gets to you. Athletes are at the proverbial wrong end of the food chain.
  23. I understand where you're coming from with the arts & entertainment angle. It benefits me in that way, too. I also can find a million other ways to be entertained--and I have some doubts about an athlete never recovering to full level. These guys have access to the best doctors in the world. As for my folks, they are staying home to the extent possible for people of their age. They need to move around, so they go to the mall a couple of times a week, and they mask up. (It is probably more dangerous for them not to get exercise than it is for them to be exposed to COVID, or at least that's their calculation--and no, outside is not a possibility in winter.) They have medical appointments, need groceries, people come into their home for repairs, etc. They haven't seen their grandchildren in forever and it's breaking them. They've been to Mass once since March and that was for a funeral. But they've also lost one close friend to this and another close friend just got out of the hospital after 60 days.
  24. No. "In the media" shouldn't be a reason, either, where that means in a studio capable of isolation, like your show. However, your daughter's situation, with which I am slightly familiar, *should* be a reason to prioritize you. Parents with minor children in long term care should have been in the first group. I'd have no problem if one of my parents couldn't get a vaccine because of such a reason. I'd have a big problem if they couldn't get one because it went to an in-studio TV personality or an NHL player.
  25. I think we're saying the same thing but using different words. Probably my bad. I want Eichel near the goal, like where Briere used to camp out but maybe closer to longitudinal center.
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