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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Well, now we know that airplane wifi works in stowage. How are the pepperettes?
  2. No, I can think of several other explanations (all of which I don't agree with, but none of which have to do with cost-cutting). All but the last survives Occam: 1. No replacement in mind. 2. Adams scared to fire a coach because he's new at his job. 3. What the kids call "optics"; how many coaches is this team to go through? 4. Players not named Skinner reportedly like him. 5. He is, of course, a Svengali.
  3. I didn't even say they are keeping him at all.
  4. Find me another Sabres owner that has spent like this. Heck, find me another NHL owner other than the pension fund in Toronto and the Dolans who have spent like this. Money has not been an issue since the Pegulas rescued the team from Golisano and Quinn. Strategy has been an issue.
  5. $8M on Taylor Hall says you're wrong. (Or would you rather get into Okposo, Leino, Ehrhart, or any of the other huge contracts the team gave out that we now regret? Or O'Reilly, perhaps?)
  6. Money never has been an object since 2011, with the exception of the possible but unsupported allegations about the O'Reilly trade. I doubt they keep him because of money.
  7. That's why they should vote for it like they used to.
  8. I recall it. Schoeny was not the best player on the team. But a great captain. Peca was not the best player on the team, but a good enough captain. I do think O'Reilly would have wanted to stay if he had been wearing the "C," which he should have been.
  9. Yep. Check the baggage for venison pepperettes and Molson XXX. And possibly dudacek hiding out in stowage.
  10. It always should have been him or O'Reilly. Nothing written in NHL law says the most talented player on the team must be the captain. In fact, two Sabres finals teams suggest the opposite.
  11. I have neither, although I could probably fashion a torch. If that's true, we need a GM move.
  12. What time do they land, and is anyone else up for a trip to the airport?
  13. I 100% agree with this and also 100% don't know another way to acquire an NHL team over which I would be president because I'd, you know, own it.
  14. When I lived there, DC couldn't care or even know who the Caps coach was. Seems different these days.
  15. Well, all right then. Let's see if Adams can prove his mettle and get more than a MoJo-worth player for him.
  16. As usual, Brawndo has it:
  17. Yes you have.
  18. We did not. Just pointing out (as I did in my first post in this thread) that there are a few owners who played their sports. Not many, but a few.
  19. This is the more worthwhile question, IMO. Of course, they could have conducted no interviews, hired Adams as "president" (again, whatever that means) and then Adams could have conducted interviews and hired a GM, leading to a similar question about whether it was a sound business decision to hire Adams.
  20. Jerry Jones is not the example you want to use here. He won a national championship as a player.
  21. Nah, it's Delia. Imagine if Kim had done this:
  22. I didn't quite say that...Delia Smith, a TV chef, owns my favorite soccer team and I should have included her in the mix.
  23. You posted an extremely provocative question. You had to know you were going to be unhappy with some of the responses. Sorry that two of them came from me. But the fact is, there is no qualification to be a team president. If you're fortunate enough to own a team, you do what you want with it. Whether she's meddling--that's something we don't know. There are theories out there, and you know my position on them, and I won't repeat it here. Whether she's "qualified" to be a team president? That's easily answered. She owns it; she's qualified to be president of it, whatever "president" means.
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