Yes, PTR, we are watching the game. Did you notice that it sux as a hockey game and so we're discussing the failings of Dan Dunleavy instead? Or are you too busy raking leaves in the eternal autumn that is New Hampshire?
Before you get too supehero, there is an ongoing argument with a separate thread about this, and there are merits on both sides. I tend to think that they do matter, but there are strong arguments against.
It's ok! You're several kilometers away. (Did I get that right? One ocean is several kilometers?)
Correct on the first part at least, as far as I know.
I don't know that FOMO would apply here; who is afraid of missing out on side effects?
I didn't throw up or have a fever; however, for about 18 hours, I felt like I had been ripping bong hits. Slept through most of it.