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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. He's younger than Tim Thomas was when Thomas arrived out of nowhere. And I'd rather see him here next season than facial hair enthusiast Carter Hutton.
  2. What are these sentences? What is Canadian pizza? (All I've had are pizza pizza and Boston Pizza, both of which are good substitutes for ipecac in a pinch.)
  3. I'm sure there are people who are eager to blame that one on 55 rather than 78.
  4. Looks like Bill had better move quickly if he wants to microchip Melinda.
  5. It's the team's private way of saying that Dusty is pregnant.
  6. Not loading.
  7. Started a thread for y'all.
  8. Who is that?
  9. Is UPL healthy enough to backup Houser?
  10. Just came here to post this. This freaking league...
  11. Just north of here, people would pay to get the vaccine if they could. India is out of hospitals and has turned parking lots into mass funeral pyres. Meanwhile, we have morons making up and spreading lies about microchips and autism, and incentives to get vaccinated. Really, we can be spoiled brats sometimes.
  12. He also could have messed up Panarin's legs. Just so much dirtiness. He shouldn't play until game 41 next season.
  13. He can and he has! (I think this is where you were going.)
  14. The Sabres have beaten every team on the schedule in this miserable season.
  15. Houser! Party it up! You've got Melina, Lori (not recommended), Richter, even Cohagen. Your choice of whom to have a celebratory drink with.
  16. Nice one for the refs to let go, there. Freaking slash in the face.
  17. And of course Spectrum / MSG went down. On two different browsers. Who are we, meek Buffalonians, to ask for proper service?
  18. This thread is not well-thought-out.
  19. I have no doubt that if Wilson played for Arizona or some other nearly-forgotten team, that he'd have a 40-game by now. Even on the Sabres.
  20. No, he isn't. He's a freaking mess and the D has to cover for him. I didn't necessarily want a Granato anecdote, but ok. They used 6 in a season. I do--I mean this!--thank you for that.
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