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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Let's see them give Lekkas a start if that would break a record.
  2. It also is a musical term. Thank you for that reminder. It's been decades. (But it is spelled differently in any score I've ever seen.) It needed to be changed. The context is not music, medicine, or engineering, and considering your experience with your daughter, I almost can't believe that you liked it. But I'll trust you and ok and all that. AND THE KID IS 16.
  3. Rags fined $250,000 for the comment about Parros.
  4. The slogan had a different word in place of "slow down" when it first was posted. Think of a word that means "slow down" in medicine and apparently in some areas of engineering. When pronounced as a verb, said word would rhyme with "Bedard." When used as a noun, it does not rhyme with "Bedard" and is offensive. It's a bad idea anyway. Tanking doesn't work and the kid is only 16.
  5. The internet goes back beyond 2007 and there was no choice between the two because of Quinn,
  6. All I've read is that they were fired because the team sux, but I don't know why they wouldn't just wait a few days if that is the case.
  7. For the folks out there who still think this is partly on the players' association: It is Bettman and the league who appointed Parros as director of player safety. And that's why this is on the league. It's a classic case of putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.
  8. Right. He shouldn't stand up for his teammate. Another hot take from pi.
  9. I'll never identify him as a former Sabre but this is horrible news.
  10. He's younger than Tim Thomas was when Thomas arrived out of nowhere. And I'd rather see him here next season than facial hair enthusiast Carter Hutton.
  11. What are these sentences? What is Canadian pizza? (All I've had are pizza pizza and Boston Pizza, both of which are good substitutes for ipecac in a pinch.)
  12. I'm sure there are people who are eager to blame that one on 55 rather than 78.
  13. Looks like Bill had better move quickly if he wants to microchip Melinda.
  14. It's the team's private way of saying that Dusty is pregnant.
  15. Not loading.
  16. Started a thread for y'all.
  17. Who is that?
  18. Is UPL healthy enough to backup Houser?
  19. Just came here to post this. This freaking league...
  20. Just north of here, people would pay to get the vaccine if they could. India is out of hospitals and has turned parking lots into mass funeral pyres. Meanwhile, we have morons making up and spreading lies about microchips and autism, and incentives to get vaccinated. Really, we can be spoiled brats sometimes.
  21. He also could have messed up Panarin's legs. Just so much dirtiness. He shouldn't play until game 41 next season.
  22. He can and he has! (I think this is where you were going.)
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