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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. They're not going to need one.
  2. Couples have created children in less time than that review took.
  3. Florida needs to try Knight in goal. Having a young and fresh face back there is about the only chance they've got to psychologically refresh itself. Will it work? Probably not. Will keeping Bobo back there work? Definitely not.
  4. Yeah but he needed 5 more.
  5. Today, I wanted NC to lose so Tottenham would make it in to the Champs league. The rest of the season has been LOOOOOONG, though. Ah well, they'll be celebrating this time next year.
  6. Under no circumstances except the inevitable trade to Arizona for cap space.
  7. Wait--they play in Hamilton? I'd no idea. They may as well be the Buffalo Rock.
  8. I'm not sure anyone does. I found it elsewhere. Who?
  9. I've seen the video of the two of them--leg warmers and leotards and everything--doing their step aerobics in Bratislava, but I can't seem to find it to post here.
  10. He had hinted at retirement when the series ended, I thought?
  11. Omigosh, I had a family situation and couldn't really follow the game--and just logged on to find this? NICE!
  12. Imagine if the Bills played 3 seasons at UB or the Blue Jays played three seasons at Pilot Field (for non-pandemic reasons). Either league would have shut 'em right down or moved them.
  13. Anyone who might not be using their AHL TV credentials and wants to loan to me is welcome to do so ...
  14. Do you mean Rome and Horton? Not sure that Rome was the better player. But there was plenty of "get Colin's kid a Cup" going on that year otherwise.
  15. Yeah, that's just going to create more problems. I don't see a realistic alternative to the existing (problematic) system. Heavier suspensions could help a bit.
  16. Thank you. I have doubts as to the truth of the reddit post's truth about the tweet's truth...it's like a big game of telephone.
  17. OK then I definitely am misunderstanding something--and I'm not doing this to pick a fight with @WildCard (his Charlie ways would easily defeat me anyway)--but was the *whole team* really there? I know a significant number of Bills, Sabres, Bandits were.
  18. Just curious as to what the Bills are doing in town--is it minicamp or something?
  19. This is a hilarious response.
  20. Quebec, where they belong.
  21. More than just that--ASU will get all revenues from on-ice advertising, too.
  22. I always thought it was Brady (not assassination, but the attempted one of Reagan, and please know that I am not clarifying this for you, weave) and not Kennedy, but that's my lifetime and what I saw and read. In any event, thank you for wanting the discussion that the NRA never did.
  23. The shooter was a guy who did a lot of his own research. If you're saying that people need to consider their sources better, I'm on board.
  24. I note--and I mean this in a nice way and not a mean way--that this comes from someone whom I would consider to be a "gun enthusiast." That's how common-sense the solution is, folks...
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