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Everything posted by gilbert11

  1. Hey, I remember doing fantasy leagues with pen & paper, grabbing the stats from the daily paper, and then mailing results with the USPS.
  2. Nope, made no changes.
  3. I have scheduled the SabreSpace Yahoo Fantasy Hockey draft for this Thursday October 3rd at 5 PM PT. That’s 8 PM for you East Coasters. This will let us include the Sabres/Devils Europe games on Friday and Saturday. I also sent out an email thru the league page with more details. If this date/time doesn’t work for you, you can use Pre-Draft setting to pick preferred players or use Auto-Draft. If you don’t wish to participate in the league this year, please let me know ASAP so we can find a replacement.
  4. It was my commentary on today’s journalism. They post articles with wrong information and don’t proofread anything. The number of errors I find in my daily perusal of the internet is mind boggling. No pride in what they post; just get it out there fast.
  5. If nobody has volunteered yet, I’ll do it.
  6. My C- graded team is the last of the undefeated. Thanks Yahoo!
  7. Ah, remember the days when journalists had the integrity to get the news right and had some pride in what was printed/posted? Me neither.
  8. That reminds me of when I was playing soccer. I played defense (fullback) and, despite frequently being complemented for my play, a teammate says to me “ you’re not playing defense. You just get in people’s way.” Huh?
  9. So, now we’re left with Liev Schreiber?
  10. Arby’s has the meats!!
  11. I’d say my C- team did pretty well with the 2nd highest score for the week.
  12. So much for the Survival contest.
  13. Yow! ‘Comedy of errors’ and ‘disaster waiting to happen’?!
  14. I usually don’t care much about Yahoo’s post-draft grades, but my draft felt like a C. I don’t quite get how they can give North Buffalo a C with McCaffrey, Kupp and Kelce, but it appears they didn’t like the Herbert pick. He was rated low, and a fair amount lower than Goff, who they picked later. It almost seems like they graded on a curve. If 4 teams got D’s, wouldn’t that mean that other teams would get players cheaper than expected? 7 of our 12 teams had drafts average or lower?
  15. Let’s just get it set as the season starts on Thursday.
  16. Many trolls on here like to be critical of the GM. I believe this video showed he knows what he’s doing and is in charge. I also like Jerry Forton. Watching this gave me excitement for next season. I hope we’re not disappointed again.
  17. Size always matters. 😉
  18. Found this on Yahoo Sports, from X: Is this because the fans of other teams like the Sabres as opponents?
  19. Huh? I grew up in Buffalo. There was plenty of unbearable humidity in the summer. We also lived in the upstairs flat with no A/C.
  20. Upgrade on Comrie.
  21. Ride Her, Ritchie!?
  22. Yes, he falls to Islanders at 20. Watch him be Bossy 2.0 and a 50 goal scorer.
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