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Everything posted by gilbert11

  1. I had noticed he played only 10 minutes in their last game.
  2. I am retired.
  3. Exactly. Right now one could say “This is the Sabres way!” They don’t have a long standing positive reputation and way of doing things where a veteran could tell a young player that this is the way we do things here. The Bills currently have that culture. Despite an occasional questionable addition to the roster, they have a way of doing things, and a standard to live up to and acquire certain kinds of players/people. Winning 4 straight divisional titles (going on 5) and playoffs in 6 out of 7 years helps that in a proven way of winning. I don’t understand how these bad attitudes linger for this Sabres team despite changes to the GM, coaches and players. Right now, the only players remaining from 5 seasons ago are Dahlin, Jokiharju and a young Tage Thompson. Some posters here constantly bring up team ownership, but when the same people have run successful businesses and the successful Bills team, it doesn’t make sense.
  4. Lindy’s blood pressure was too high and he had to lay down.
  5. Millennials!
  6. Wow, I sure lucked out this week with the schedule as I won with 71 points. I only outscored 2 teams. Must be destiny.
  7. Yes, they could do like the NFL with different times based on seriousness of infraction.
  8. There’s a couple of NHL penalties that really bug me as seeming to be too harsh 1. Accidentally shooting the puck over the glass- why does that deserve a 2 minute penalty? If a player was pissed about something and purposely fired the puck into the stands, then it makes sense. Why is this so different from balls out of play in other sports? These pucks aren’t made of gold that make them priceless. Like at baseball games, they become souvenirs for fans. The arena doesn’t send people into the stands to retrieve them. Why is this delay of game? Is it so hard to skate over to a bench for another puck? When a player throws the ball out of bounds in a basketball game, it’s just a change of possession. It’s not a technical foul that the opponent gets to shoot a free throw for. In NFL games, the only time there’s a penalty for the ball going out of bounds is on a kickoff, and I won’t discuss that any further here. A ball going out of play in a baseball game is just called a strike, not an out. Why does the NHL believe an accidental shooting of the puck out of play deserves a 2 minute penalty? 2. The other harsh penalty is again a 2 minute delay of game penalty for asking for a replay review and the call isn’t overturned. To me, that’s just crazy. For the NFL and NBA, they just gave teams more timeouts and if the call isn’t reversed, they lose a timeout. I know that NHL teams don’t even use their timeouts in some games, so it wouldn’t be the same, but should this really be handled like an infraction that deserves a 2 minute penalty? I don’t think so. In Saturday’s Sabres’ game, the refs called for review about a half dozen times. That was a delay of game, but there’s no way to penalize them. I don’t know what could be an alternative punishment if the NHL believes they have to levy one on a team for these “infractions” but maybe they could break from tradition and create like 60 second or 30 second penalties. Personally, though, I don’t see why either of these incidents need any punishment.
  9. Yet, when someone started a thread before the season with predictions, the most common name for the worst offseason acquisition was Tucker. I don’t follow hockey as much as most of you seem to, but those that picked him missed the boat.
  10. Anyone want to take over a team?
  11. OK, I’ve given Curt more than enough time to respond. Noacis, would you like to take over an existing team that isn’t being managed?
  12. Done. I also pinged him a couple days ago but have not heard back. Does anyone know him? By the way, is Pasta Joe related to Mocha Joe?
  13. Do you know the guy? We don’t know what could be going on his life.
  14. It’s early. I’ll give him a little more time.
  15. And my undefeated record ends with a whimper.
  16. So, in the pool to pick the Sabres first win, who had Florida?
  17. Well, that was the first game I watched this season so I was glad to see such a good performance and win.
  18. I am a Dad. I also recently became a GrandDad Is that near Polarbearland?
  19. Is there any Reim-er reason in waiving Reimer? He was going to provide veteran depth. Are they bringing back Houser and/or Tokarski?
  20. Noted. Thanks for the tip.
  21. What device are you using? Even though my iPad passes the Yahoo test for drafting, when I tried using it, the Draft button doesn’t appear. Works on iPhone though.
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