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Everything posted by Norcal

  1. They're still highly valued but I had mistakenly given .7 per save resulting in abnormally high goaltender projected scores. I changed it to .1/ save. Goaltenders will score a significant amount of points. On the scoring, in general I cranked it up just to add some fun matchups and higher scores. It's definitely different than any league I've ever been in. Good luck all, I hope you enjoy it and we have a fun competitive season!!
  2. I hope I didn't screw everyone up. I thought since I had advertised the time as 7 eastern it would be better closer to that time?
  3. Changed time. Its 7:30 eastern sorry guys my bone headed mistake
  4. Yeah I just realized that also. I will switch it to 7 eastern since that's what I've advertised on here
  5. Deleted I made it a little different. Thought it would be fun. Still 3 spots left. Live draft Sunday 7pm eastern.
  6. Two days till the draft. Still need atleast 1 but room for more
  7. Not sure if there's going to be any other leagues but there is room in this one still https://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey/15561/invitation?key=d8da982eb6794faa&ikey=278008a3d0139a0a
  8. I dont know if he's ready but if he's destined for 4th line duty I'd leave him somewhere he can lead a team still
  9. Ok USA!!!!!
  10. New baby coming soon too. Get well Z, enjoy ur baybay
  11. Happy to catch a game. Peterka didn't disappoint
  12. Congrats on the Beetdowns!
  13. Looks like u did, thanks Thanks for the info, hoping it fills up.
  14. 1-13-21 new season begins
  15. I like that idea. Or Jack
  16. I haven't won anything in this league yet but I'd throw in some cash for a trophy
  17. For anyone interested, I made a yahoo league with some custom scoring settings. 12 person league, hope its alot of fun. Set up to draft tentatively on 1/10/1020 at 7 eastern but flexible. Hockey season is upon us! Join my league Fantasy Hockey. Click Here: https://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey/15561/invitation?key=d8da982eb6794faa&ikey=278008a3d0139a0a&soc_src=app-sh&soc_trk=lnk
  18. Let em. If it keeps the league running and the players paid, do it.
  19. Been a crazy year/season, you are right to question what could happen next. Good luck to all playoff teams. Thanks for smacking my team damn near every week. I'm hopeful the world can leave the Covid behind soon and that this season was an aberration for me.
  20. Sharpen your knowledge of the Sabres Sharpen your attention span Sharpen your thought process
  21. I'd manage a team if available
  22. Agreed, this football league has been a good competitive league for several years and I know the hockey have been going a while too
  23. Make a new league I bet u can fill it I prefer ESPN Personally
  24. I made some offers
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