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Everything posted by Norcal

  1. Cool
  2. 3% made it through season 1 and 1st episode of season 2. Also Dexter, with the wife. Only 2 episodes in to the original series because she doesn't consume the same amount of TV as I do.
  3. He's got a few points and is playing big mins on the PK. Coach has liked his game so far. He's been night and day better imo but it's too early to tell. He could get smoked next game and they'd be back to square one. If he plays a couple more like the last two then I'd say he's on his way to figuring it out.
  4. From the coaches mouth
  5. Can't wait to watch Tuch in Blue and Gold. I've watched those 5 plays a bunch of times. He brings something much needed around here.
  6. The passing skill though And of course, the finish.
  7. It's nitpicky but Krebs does have 6 pts in the ahl 0/6/6
  8. Someone got themselves a Krebs stick when he came out for 3rd star
  9. There's 77 Pekar! Nice
  10. Peterka barely playing
  11. Malone unleashing everyone's offensive talent
  12. That was cool and all but why isn't JJ with them?
  13. It's Pekar lol
  14. Why is Jankowski not a Sabre again?
  15. This is something. Love the movie reference.
  16. Amazing name Gunnarwolfe.
  17. Not sure if its thread worthy so I'm posting here. Hopefully we can all agree that this little fella isn't to blame for the Sabres problems. Welcome Rick!
  18. Right. Alot of skill and fun to watch. Just very little playoff success to date.
  19. Yeah I donno. I was asking.
  20. They're all connected IMO. Maybe McDavid would have fit better with the pieces TM brought in. Unfortunately, we'll never know. And MCJesus hasn't pushed the needle at all in Edmonton so far either so there's that.
  21. Missing out on McDavid after tanking so hard set this franchise back several years. They are only now starting to build back the right way.
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