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Everything posted by Norcal

  1. Being on the West Coast of the USA has its advantages sometimes. All that hockey before 5pm! Lovely.
  2. Short video on Slafkovsky
  3. He'll get some complaints about his defensive effort at times but he's gonna make those same fans jump out of their seats too. He's such a different type of player than the Sabres have had here in a while that I think you have to let him be that and not try to change him too much because what he brings can be so dynamic at times but comes across as cheating on the defensive end or a lack of effort. I believe he'll grow into his defensive game over time. He has made some spectacular plays on defense so its not like he can't play in the defensive zone, he'd just rather be playing offense. So yeah. I guess I really like JJ Peterka. Side note: sorry Samson but #23 belongs to Muel now!! New nameplate needed.
  4. Great hustle by Joki to get back at the last second of OT and make the defensive play. Huge!
  5. Beauty Eh!!!!! TNT!!!! I like Arnette but now that I know he's a To fan I like him a little less
  6. The intermission is ridiculous on tnt. It's like they're in a Toronto studio. Weird they can't stop talking about Toronto even when it's two different teams in the game.
  7. Wow. These guys are fighting for every inch of ice right now. The boys are not backing down.
  8. Maybe Joki becomes more obvious the better Dahlin gets?
  9. Why wait?
  10. Save it bud!
  11. It's hot in Miami. You have to watch out for soft tissue injuries ✌️
  12. Get your money. No real problem with that. I'll wait and see now but with his past I just don't expect this to end well.
  13. Can't imagine that kind of thing will be as tolerated by new teammates he hardly knows. It all has the feel of a spectacular meltdown coming. He got his money.
  14. He's on the verge of major punishment from the NFL if he has any further occurrences. He's all out of get out of jail free cards.
  15. The next AB. I'm going on record now that he will flame out spectacularly. Greedy ***** wanted off a super team because he wanted a couple million more. I don't want that kind of ***** on my team. Wrong
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