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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. Outside of Texas I'm not sure* that matters. The largest military installations are really in purple states.
  2. Patty16


    Preseason games? :w00t:
  3. this is what happens when you have a fan as an owner.
  4. He is the one person with the financial power and "street cred" to gently bully his way into making his projects happen. No one wants to be the one to hold him up. Other investors arent willing to take the risk and certainly arent willing to pay the graft needed to grease projects in Buffalo.
  5. I was wondering when Buffalo would get a sports bar..... :P Its amazing what can get done when local politics and red tape is not in the way.
  6. No we're back to an incident with two people, one dead, so we only have one story. I think its pretty clear that there was a fight and ZImm sustained injuries. The how and timing of the events surrounding that are not established facts, as you suggest, and it created enough reasonable doubt for a jury to acquit.
  7. \ except these arent necessarily facts, they are the Defendant's side of the story. None of this is backed up by an independent witness. We will never know if he was jumped or not, whether those words were spoken or not. Your analysis is just as flawed as those you are critiquing
  8. your reasoning still doenst show Martin did anything wrong. You are applying profiling of some nature to a series of hypothetical facts. So under your reasoning, fitting a particular profile or engaging in similar, albeit legal activity, means you are doing something wrong??
  9. no they didnt, and they didnt seek a pre trial hearing for Stand your ground, which is similar but different from plain self defense.
  10. He is a legit reporter using his legit credentials to earn money on the side under a fake name on a crappy site. Rumors are associated with specific teams to drive traffic.
  11. Its only a matter of time before the meddling owner screws it up and we have to start the project all over aaaaaaand if we had fired Darcy this would be done already. - every thread
  12. He didnt want to play there, the tax diff on his salary isnt as big as you think.
  13. another PR disaster that will keep the stands full and the TV ratings near the highest in the US. You also assume they wouldnt get a goalie in return.
  14. I agree with that point but I dont think that's what most fans are saying. Unless that pizza is also paid for by tv contracts, concessions sales, league sales, and thousands of other fans. So no, a single buyer of a very specific product is nothing like purchasing a ticket to attend a sporting event. Fans from Toronto also pay a portion of Steve Ott's salary, what if they are ok with his comments? If it is like ordering a pizza then I blame you for ordering pepperoni with extra Drew stafford
  15. Buying a ticket as a fan is nothing like ordering a pizza.
  16. Of course, but my point is that fans don't have a right to dictate player behavior simply because they buy tickets that "pays their salary" Fans can boo all they want but buying a ticket doesn't mean players have to like it or keep quiet.
  17. Yea the Sabres ticket revenue per game is below NHL stalwart cities like Tampa, SJ, Dallas, and Anaheim, As a fan you pay less of a player's salary than in many other cities. The team isnt making any money btw.
  18. He's trying to rally the fans, but is a meat head and doesnt know how to do it. He is basically saying it sucks to get booed, get behind us and lets turn this around. This is such a silly spat driven by the children in the Buffalo media.
  19. This is also very very true. I know a few who wont give them up because they actually make money selling games (and cover the entire cost of the season)
  20. He might be the best goaltender to ever play, aside from the anectdotal note, what goalie does that now?
  21. I agree with this, I've been to many other arenas and watch a lot of out of market games, Buffalo fans are bi polar.
  22. I think it represents the worst of all Buffalo fans.
  23. Fan are allowed to boo. Players are allowed to not like and want fans' support. Fans are allowed to withhold support.
  24. ..... for 2016 and beyond .... in rochester
  25. multiple sources saying only pommers deal for sabres today..... havent seen one source with sabres caps deal
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