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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. What? that's how much Malkin, Datsyuk etc are making. Stamkos is only making 8. Yet 7x7 is a deal for a checking line winger???
  2. It's an absurd amount of money for a 3rd line winger to provide leadership. A contract like that will kill us down the road if we become a contender and have a 34 winger who is a checking line player make $7M and you need to add a piece. We can get quality veteran leadership without significantly overpaying for a deteriorating player
  3. I dont think it would be wise to give Callahan $6M+ for a 7 year deal, which is what hes asking. The guy is a grinder with a career high 54points. He doesnt stay healthy and doesn't address the inability to score. I would certainly hesitate to give out a contract that will hamper this team in the long term. He's a third line player with the Rangers already, and is only playing 17 mins a game.
  4. Not to announce during stadium series is silly. There are several games this year and you dont hold up an arguably blockbuster trade for a week and risk injury. I too know people on inside (no they dont feed me secret pre-trade info generally) and this goes against how a club operates.
  5. We can only hope the second coming of the glass princess, Connolly, I mean Leino doesnt get "hurt" at the end of the season so we cannot buy him out.
  6. I believe it's part of the deal the with the CHL, same reason he can't go to AHL. He has junior eligibility and is 19. Sorry didn't see this when I posted. But precisely this. +1
  7. Agents absolutely have a fiduciary duty to their clients, that's the whole point of being an "agent." The example you just provided actually supports the agent acting in Grigs best interests as well. Agents also have relationships with clubs and reputations to protect. I don't know much about Grossman but I doubt he is doing the worst for his client to ruin his rep around the league. Then again Grigs couldve just done this on his own, agents arent babysitters
  8. Yea that's what I mean. Some aren't so hard or are so worn inside theres no cushion support inside. Ankles still cave in etc.
  9. Yes. I also can't overstress how important proper fitting skates are to being the best skater and improving. I've seen noobs in beer leagues with cheapo skates with no support left, or too big. I've even seen a guy who wore ankle braces inside his skates!!! A noob needs to build up some ankle strength but also needs support in the right places. So it's very important to get fitted by someone who knows what they are doing, not a freshman in high school working at great skate pushing a brand. It's a lot worse here in the South where noobs have no chance really.
  10. Could be but these guys come into the interview process with a full breakdown of the roster. They are asked about their assessment of the team during thei nterview process. But it may take him some time to get a better feel for the team. The FA situation is the most curious for me.
  11. that's true. He does have decent speed however. That was one time, anecdotal. He isnt a speedy player and doesn't really excel in any area enough to make him Olympic worthy. Again, he wasn't even considered by the best hockey minds. That should tell you enough.
  12. Less talent overall on D, and Orpik does well enough on the big ice. Was fine in Van '10
  13. He is smooth but isnt really fast or agile. He just isnt a high level international player. He wasn't really even considered. That said he's a really good NHL player. Also, I'm not sure what RW I would sit in place of Pommer
  14. resign vs re-sign
  15. They didnt like his skating..... same as pommers. If anyone has played on Olympic ice you know just how much more room there is and the importance of mobility.
  16. Where the hell is Hasek?? Is he in and Miller out???
  17. My beef with the BN boys, they act like little children except Vogl. It what keeps them from being respected like the guys at TSN
  18. Its LaFontaine, just got text from friend in know.
  19. Agreed. A new position without a blockbuster name ............ isnt major.
  20. People on this board have heard of him.
  21. Yawn, why is that major? And way for them to scoop all the whiny local "pro" reporters.
  22. If this is about the waterfront.........someone is getting hurt.
  23. It does, in the amount of premium dollars that must be spent on care as opposed to admin costs. That controls overall costs in the long term. What many fail to realize is that health costs have been slowing for years, (only minimal effect from ACA I'd guess). Also, most premiums went up every year before ACA was passed.
  24. I've read some stuff quoting economists (not the political ones) stating that in the short term debt is not a major concern. The problem in recent years has been the downturn of the US economy and tax cuts, its devastated the "income" of the federal government.
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