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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. This happens a lot on here, some have a really hard time viewing things outside the buffalo bubble. You're right, Kane is considered a really good talented player. Saying he wanted out of Winnipeg bc he wants the bright lights of NYC etc sounds like whiner line parody. Winnipeg is a really small town with almost nothing going on but hockey, and it's a pretty bad place for a young player with money.
  2. I hope you aren't comparing that situation to ours. Apples and oranges.
  3. exactly if you want to redo the culture of the organization players have to earn ice time and not be handed things without earning them. That is what Yzerman did when he took over in Tampa, young guys have to earn ice time regardless of where they were drafted. You'd specked him to make mistakes but they have to be giving a consistent effort or they sit or go back to the American League
  4. Because you have a well documented history of stretching everything to its most illogical conclusion which is almost always something negative.
  5. Agreed. The more I see Eichel the more I think he compares to Toews. McDavid is more of a burner/dangler type player with a crazy skill set. There is still a gap between the two but not as big as the drop to 3rd
  6. The one that got deflected and in?
  7. Same here, while they def had some talent they most certainly lacked in character or sandpaper. There was no real leadership or someone willing to step up on the ice,
  8. Yea. I think the whole issue has really been sustained by Jeremy on WGR talking about it nonstop. Partially in his defesne, what else is he supposed to fill airtime with? This team still lacks real talent so they lost again....
  9. Different strokes I suppose. But his dismissive demeanor to those who don't agree with his tankfest is a bit much.
  10. Yea I don't read them either. Agree re Jeremy too. He is almost unlistenable most mornings and his constant use of the word "like" and talking over Howard is too much for me. His holier than thou despite no background in the material he's talking about would be similar to me taking over the top positions on astro physics.
  11. whats he ranting about?
  12. This should make the tankers happy.
  13. Hard to see how there won't be PAC ads calling him a Canadian born whose dad for FOR Fidel Castro and the commies. Don't see that playing well in them there parts.
  14. I agree. Its this plus him certainly not making the most of his opportunities. Every pro coach he's had has criticized his work ethic on the ice. The hardest hting for young players is to play on a consistent level
  15. The same was said of Kassian, you're just not using him right. No blame ever gets assigned to a player or the fact that he might not be as good as one thinks.
  16. I think you said it just right. Hodgson is a complimentary piece, he's not going to generate scoring. Give him some dynamic players and he will do much better, but can't that be said for many 2nd tier players? The sabres need more dynamic players, such as the ones you identified.
  17. He's gets blasted on many out of market announcers and the last two nights on NBC for not moving his feet. The guy isnt a great skater. If you really crunch his numbers it's his lack of PP points that are dragging him down, (bc he doesnt have to skate to score), but his 5v5 numbers are pretty much the same they've alwasy been. Until he surrounded by much better talent he's never going to be anything other than he is, a 2nd tier player.
  18. Yes you can deal for a healthy player and note that he has an existing injury and cannot and is not expected to pass a physical. The Bills did something similar for Cassell and the leagues have similar rules in this area.
  19. Define.............."play" He was labelled as such but rarely would I call what he did as "playing hockey"
  20. It was december/jan and Stewart had 7 pts in the 12 game stretch that Grigo was up. 1 of those came when he was on the ice with him. So not really.
  21. You know the overwhelming majority of his minutes this year are with Stewart and Hodgson right? He's spent twice as much time on the ice with them than anyone else. So the Grigo never plays with anyone talented thing needs to stop
  22. fair point. They've always had a rep for only hustling to score points and taking too many shifts off. Grigo has the same issues but he's still young. With everyting thats happened to him (thats been out of his control) he may need a change of scenery to light a fire under his ***.
  23. Thats not the top line but Johnson and Kucherov were doing far better than Grigo at the same point. And none had hustle issues, just production. You're right tho, he belongs in wtih the amerks
  24. They don't, they usually talk consistency which sometimes has to do with effort. But when an offensive geared player is not scoring and not hustling, its a problem and gets talked about. What line? (not disagreeing just wondering who you mean?_)
  25. Yea same here, and some are having a big impact with roughly same amount of mins that 25 gets when he's up. I'm 50/50 on whether he'll make it, I don't see that burn to succeed. But you're right he shouldve been in Roch
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